If anyone figures out how to do any of this stuff themselves and what not, couldn't send me a PM telling me how you go about it could you, i read the Guide but i'm really lost, i don't even know where to find the files it talks about in the opening paragraph, thank you.
From what I understand is that you basically need to download two things:
1. packmap_save.lta - You get it from downloading the game from the Station Launcher. If you already have the game installed, just delete a file and run the Station Launcher file check thing and it should replace the file you deleted along with the pacmap_save.lta as an added bonus.
You don't need this if all you're doing is changing the weather.
2. A HEX editor that can edit .ltb files. The one that was mentioned I got from http://mh-nexus.de/en/hxd/.
As to how to actually edit this stuff I'm still trying to figure it out. :/
Mathalos wrote:
* Female Bikini Tops have been removed.
I assume the same thing can work for Bikini Bottoms?
Oh wow...saw a vet with a Burning Eye Trench. Almost forgot about those. Do Want!!!
Villemar_MxO wrote:
oh yay!!!
I'm going to have to figure this out....
You guys didn't put anything over my smokey ninja did you?
Aquilae wrote:
Mathalos wrote: * Female Bikini Tops have been removed. I assume the same thing can work for Bikini Bottoms? >.>
No it doesn't work. There isn't a texture under the bottoms. Removing it just makes your body see-through.
WoW fun stuff
FORUM BREAKER (You might want to scroll to the right....)
Zeac, your Kuno 100 has been left as is. The goal was to swap out RSI captures that players had access to.
However, you can only redirect FX model-to-model with one model, so our RSI capture Kuno 100 now has the FX and yours doesn't :X
Villemar, if you want Burning Eye trench it's easiest to use the useropts on-the-fly method.
Aquilae, Premier is right. Much like how hair on your head makes the top of your skull not render, the bikini bottom makes that portion of skin see-through. That doesn't happen with the top because female coats like Dragonskin are designed to show skin with no shirt on. It's possible that there's a .moa defining the characteristics of that "don't render," sort of like how each hat/hair combination has a .moa, but it's not really a priority. The Guide explains how to swap things out, though, so if you want to look into it further the tools are there.
<_< *bumps* >_> <_< oh and nice work
Big update coming later today.
Bayamos wrote:
Looking forward to it.
/target Bayamos
/target Mathalos
<3 I do hope you consider modding some of the easiest to obtain V2 caps (ie. Dernick, Zero, Moribel, etc.)