Hey, back around the time of beta/early live, DN1 had a list of information about various aspects of the Matrix, one of which was an article about the Floating Feast.
Anyone have a copy of that article saved, or still have a link to it?
I wanted to read through it again for research purposes.
Hm, that is very interesting. I never heard of the term "Floating Feast" from any exile before. This is the first I have heard of it. Has anyone seen this terminology used in-game yet?
Remag_Div wrote:Hm, that is very interesting. I never heard of the term "Floating Feast" from any exile before. This is the first I have heard of it. Has anyone seen this terminology used in-game yet? Yep! I was running an archive from Merv Chapt 3 (I think) recently...around the time when the Merv was getting back at revolting Lupines. I remember hearing a Lupine mention something about the Floating Feast in one bit of dialog, but I can't remember what was said (might have been something along the line of "<some person> probably just wants more at the Floating Feast this year" or somesuch).
Hm, that is very interesting. I never heard of the term "Floating Feast" from any exile before. This is the first I have heard of it. Has anyone seen this terminology used in-game yet? I'm definitely going to be using many of the terms the Agents use from now on: Tumor of CodeDrug of ExilesMatrix Dry RotFree Lunch for Freeloaders (lol!):mrgreen:
Morraeon: And I'm the one who lunches on the freeloaders, heh!
I'll have to look around. I want to think some Demon Army goons made some reference to it in one of the Merv missions, something wierd and esoteric but those guys are a little loopy after all.
Wow, nice find. That has been buried on the interwebs for years now . . .
I sort of wish The Floating Feast had been given a little more play than being relagated to side comments in missions, it really helps flesh out the major storyline. The big-picture sources of the cold war tension between Zion and the Machines are clear, but it has always been a little hazy when it comes to the Merovingians. Zionites have to protect everyone in Zion; the Machines have to preserve the integrity of the system to survive; the Meros have to . . . what exactly? Make sure that leather and g-strings don't go out of style? Ensure that the bar is always stocked with top shelf liquor? Emphasizing a specific resource that the Merovingians need and protect as a matter of life and death - besides the generalized Matrix, which would be too coextensive with the Machines' goals - gives their org a much more powerful story motivation.
As Mr. Chadwick said, "The Code Stream and The Floating Feast are concepts the smart player will take to heart to understand the drama going on behind the surfaces of the Matrix." I agree - it's really hard to understand the drama/conflict if there's no obvious over-arching goal of the organization.
Fenshire to the rescue - save The Floating Feast from its undeserved obscurity!
But not before you finish Rose Petals in Sai Kung.