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[8.3.3] "Problem is he's got some mental issues" - Vector - 10/18/07
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Zion Controller

Joined: Feb 10, 2006
Messages: 69

Captain Colt led a multi-pronged operation intended to both get the attention of the Morpheus simulacrum, and disrupt the Machine team tracking him. After some tough fighting, the operatives did come into contact with the simulacrum, but it resisted even genuine Morpheus data offered him by operatives CarAudioGuy, Machete, and Zionner, and after holding some discussion with our fighters, disappeared once more into the barrens.
Psych Ops is analyzing the program's responses to questions put to it by our fighters; although we were still unable to convince it not to aid the Machines, this encounter may provide some useful insight into its logic processes, so that we will be better prepared in the future.
Thank you, soldiers.











































Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 18, 2005
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Indeed he... it does...

Jacked Out

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I wonder if Colt will start posting for himself. Maybe another avatar and sig contest?!?!?!

Jacked Out

Joined: Dec 27, 2006
Messages: 6256
Location: The Real World This is how MxO ends: Not with a bang but a whimper

Some people just keep on trying don't they...
I see Colt as someone who does not learn from others, possibly even himself. The simulacrum obviously doesn't feel comfortable when having throngs of people around him all trying to convince him to join them, it must be intimidating especially when it hasn't yet made up it's own mind.
At least Niobe took a decent shot at it with only a few people talking to Morpheus. No one, as of yet, has asked the right questions, they just seem to talk at it rather than with it.

Jacked Out

Joined: Oct 4, 2005
Messages: 52

Croesus wrote:
No one, as of yet, has asked the right questions, they just seem to talk at it rather than with it.

It's hard to talk with someone if you don't know anything about them. The best people have done is try to treat it like Morpheus or like a program sympathetic with the System. Neither has worked in the least. In short people have no idea what he believes or what might even make some headway. Reminds me of a typical conversation with a stranger that usually ends up centered on the weather. We have no way to connect with this guy.

EPN tried asking the Oracle for some idea how this thing ticks. She gave us a false lead then a "you should just do what you think is right" line. No one else has gotten any further, and at this point until this thing just happens to decide to open up about itself I don't think anyone will. 

Mainframe Invader

Joined: Nov 13, 2006
Messages: 513

Perhaps asking the Morpheus Simulacrum what it wants, rather than telling it what it should want, would prove worthwhile.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Dec 9, 2005
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Yet again we found defeat. The Machines allowing this simulation to escape in this first place. The simulation thrives in a place where it shouldn't be. It is too unpredictable. A danger to blue pills.

It belongs in the Source.

(( I'm not a huge fan of the Org locked buildings. I wish there were fewer events where we were locked out. Maybe only lock out one org if it's supposed to be a struggle between two? I know people would have beef with that, namely the locked-out Org, but so long as things like this are distributed evenly... ))

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 262
Location: Missoula,MT

Zerotolerance wrote:
Yet again we found defeat. The Machines allowing this simulation to escape in this first place. The simulation thrives in a place where it shouldn't be. It is too unpredictable. A danger to blue pills.

It belongs in the Source.

(( I'm not a huge fan of the Org locked buildings. I wish there were fewer events where we were locked out. Maybe only lock out one org if it's supposed to be a struggle between two? I know people would have beef with that, namely the locked-out Org, but so long as things like this are distributed evenly... ))

((I disagree w4r, those locks are their for a reason. If they were opened to other orgs we would get more useless spam and greifers ruining the events for those players interested. Do you not remember events before the org lock? how many players who only cared about pvp came just to toss dev fields in the crowds around the events? With the org lock all they can do is useless spam outside of the building. Which will get them on ignore lists.

And not all situations need to have constant warfare going all the time. what do you think would happen if they had opened the org lock to machines and zions right then, We wouldn't have been talking with moprheus at all we'd have been fighting each other over him. With everyone fighting no one is talking and thus the story suffers for it. I'm sure if the positions were reversed you would not want us zions interfering with you talking with Sim morpheus just as much.

As for the machine security building, they kept the building org locked because if both reds and the npcs were together Zion might not have had a chance to do anything. I would have been in favor of you red machinists in that building over Npcs, but that is not always garaunteed to have enough players to make the fight enjoyable for everyone. Again if the situation was reversed, Zion npcs with Zion operatives together in one area possible outcomes would be similar 

the org lock system isn't a perfect tool but until they come up with something better, It's the best we got.))    

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 262
Location: Missoula,MT

XElite wrote:
Perhaps asking the Morpheus Simulacrum what it wants, rather than telling it what it should want, would prove worthwhile.

You may be right xElite, We all keep treating this simulacrum as Morpheus, even though we know that it is not him. We really should be trying to look past the surface and get to know the "being" that it currently is, The swiss cheese fragments of Morpheus combined with whatever programming the General threw in the mix.

Let us stop speaking to the Morpheus inside him and start speaking to the whole being.

The cypherites will be trying to use Cryptos to convince the simulcrum to aid the machines. With Cryptos' unique perspective(the combined parts of program and man) I unfotunately believe that he may have the best chance at relating to the simulcrum. Their meeting should prove interesting and possibly disastrous for some.  


Mainframe Invader

Joined: Jan 31, 2006
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Location: Hiding under my desk.

((Colt: YOicks!

I think this guy is my new favorite Zion LE character. SMILEY))

MC Photographer

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
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Location: Syntax

The Morpheus simulacrum has spoken of a desire for peace... for a stop to the incessant choosing of sides and warring factions.  And the decision is made to approach him with an armed force and to get his attention by more pointless fighting.  It's a wonder he even bothered to show up at all.

Jacked Out

Joined: Jan 31, 2007
Messages: 339
Location: Logos II, Zion

Shinryu wrote:
The Morpheus simulacrum has spoken of a desire for peace... for a stop to the incessant choosing of sides and warring factions.  And the decision is made to approach him with an armed force and to get his attention by more pointless fighting.  It's a wonder he even bothered to show up at all.
For the record, our "armed force" was sent elsewhere while those who offered the data stayed behind to wait for the Morpheus simulacrum to appear. It wasn't until we were ambushed by Agents and SWAT at the meeting location that our attack team came back to keep us safe.

Ascendent Logic

Joined: Mar 28, 2006
Messages: 1602

Good event overall.

Helps that i killed one of the level 100 Agents SMILEY

Good job guys SMILEY

MC Photographer

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 2226
Location: Syntax

Soluma wrote:
Shinryu wrote:
The Morpheus simulacrum has spoken of a desire for peace... for a stop to the incessant choosing of sides and warring factions.  And the decision is made to approach him with an armed force and to get his attention by more pointless fighting.  It's a wonder he even bothered to show up at all.
For the record, our "armed force" was sent elsewhere while those who offered the data stayed behind to wait for the Morpheus simulacrum to appear. It wasn't until we were ambushed by Agents and SWAT at the meeting location that our attack team came back to keep us safe.
Yes yes, of course.  You attacked the Machine team which were as far as we know simply monitoring the activities of the simulacrum with an armed force and, for some inexplicable reason, you where then set upon by reinforcements.  No way you could have seen that coming.  If this data you had was really desirable enough, I doubt you would have needed to "get the attention of the Morpheus simulacrum" by doing anything other than offering it.

Jacked Out

Joined: Dec 27, 2006
Messages: 6256
Location: The Real World This is how MxO ends: Not with a bang but a whimper

Shinryu wrote:
Soluma wrote:
Shinryu wrote:
The Morpheus simulacrum has spoken of a desire for peace... for a stop to the incessant choosing of sides and warring factions.  And the decision is made to approach him with an armed force and to get his attention by more pointless fighting.  It's a wonder he even bothered to show up at all.
For the record, our "armed force" was sent elsewhere while those who offered the data stayed behind to wait for the Morpheus simulacrum to appear. It wasn't until we were ambushed by Agents and SWAT at the meeting location that our attack team came back to keep us safe.
Yes yes, of course.  You attacked the Machine team which were as far as we know simply monitoring the activities of the simulacrum with an armed force and, for some inexplicable reason, you where then set upon by reinforcements.  No way you could have seen that coming.  If this data you had was really desirable enough, I doubt you would have needed to "get the attention of the Morpheus simulacrum" by doing anything other than offering it.

Heh, too right. Another example of planning with little regard to possible outcomes. In fact if you hadn't decided to attack the Machines that were attempting to track the Sim, a Sim that has had some good success' in evading observation and detainment,  then attention probably wouldn't have been drawn to you and you would have most likely had a much easier time of it.

It's called situational awareness, whoever planned this operation needs to get some!

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