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To those that care, (PvPers Please Read)
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Perceptive Mind

Joined: Sep 1, 2005
Messages: 589

Those of you that know me will probly ignore or bad mouth this but I've got to do it once again, simply to show you how much I care and to show that my dedication to this community has not ended.

I recently came up with an idea, one I'm sure many people have heard about by now due to a certain email I made and sent around to almost every lvl 50 on Recursion, those that did not get a email probly didn't because I missed you or because you were not a "pvper" in my eyes.

Pvp is a sort of time passer for most that play this, for others it is all they do. Alot of people on recursion pvp even more so pvp all the time. I am one of those people that have been pvping and will keep pvping untill the game dies.

I for one have been trying to breath more life into pvp for about a year now. Why you ask? I have heard from many players that have quit and players that are still around that pvp is boring and half the time it's pointless to fight at mara. I've come to realize that mara c is a drug for most of you, one that is by far hard to give up. You go there simply because it's where everyone else goes and in the rare instance that there is no one at mara c someone posts on these boards that the game is dying...

I for one am tired of the same old thing, I've recently tried to give most of you the oppertunity to break this habbit of only fighting at mara c. The reason I am doing so is not for my own gain but simply because I care. That might sound alittle funny coming from someone that kills people all the time but I assure you I am not lying.

My idea for anyone who cares about pvp is simply to change where people go to fight. This game is huge and people just don't seem to use any of it for fighting. Why this is I've no clue but in the past people didn't go to downtown because there was alot of lag in that district. Now I've been told that most will not go to other districts because they are going to be attacked by lvl 100 agents...

First off when there is an event or something in another district people don't complain and say an agent is gonna attack me if I go there /mockcry. So why people don't use the other areas of the game is so confusing to me.

This idea I had was this, to get 30 players, all lvl 40-50 that only pvp. This rule is there because everyone in the list of 30 players must respect each other enough to be able to vote on areas each week to fight in. 30 players all pvpers, 10 from each orginization. I've contacted alot of players that are real hardcore pvpers and most of them don't reply or stop believing that in time my idea will work. If I had 30 players, 10 from each org supporting my idea I think pvp in a different spot or more then 1 spot per week would be awsome.

Those people that have read this far are thinking "Well skull why should we go somewhere other then mara to pvp?" The answer to that is simple, don't do it because someone tells you to, I'm not trying to control anyone, simply make this idea happen because you want it to succeed! Think of this idea as a tool for pvpers to use in the future, one that will not be based on just randomly going to mara c and pvping all day but rather one where players themselves choose the location by vote as induviduals and then support that vote by going there and seeing a better and much more fun side of pvp.

Think about it for a second... Having a huge battle inside of the government buildings lobby, like they do in events. Fighting on top of a huge building in downtown. Fighting in and around the metacortex building would be awsome for pvp, at least I think so, and I know how good it is cause I've invited people to pvp there and it is nice. Only going to some random area that you aren't familaur with and duke it out with people! The reason this will be fun is that there will be a supprize factor involved. You don't know the areas very well so you have to adapt and in doing so you become stronger fighters.

I'm asking you all to concider trying something new, trying something that could bring pvp to the entire matrix, anywhere being a battle feild!

Just think of the possiblities, and before you judge me or say, yeah but skull pvp will always be at mara, think... You could change that just by supporting my idea, make Mara Central a pvp free zone and try the much better areas of the matrix to pvp in!

All I ask is simply to give the idea a chance, try it for yourself and simply because you don't see mara c around you and people talking doesn't mean that the other areas of this game still can't be used to pvp in.

I really don't understand why people go to that hl only to fight, it's out of control and needs some change, but I'm only one man and I cannot change everyone's mind alone but if ten players from each orginization reason with the rest of their org then the battle will be alot harder to lose.

Thank you to anyone that read this and please post only possitive comments or suggestions to it, if you have nothing nice to say please do not post it because I will report anyone that flames this idea.

Once again, Thank you for your time.



Virulent Mind

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 113

((While I'm not a PVPer myself by any means, I do think this is a solid idea and fully support it. Good luck and I hope it works.))

Femme Fatale

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1193
Location: Vector-Hostile

When i was on recursion the machines of Recursion attempted to move PVP a few times. For it to work the other two orgs have to agree. In our case the mechs moved and well the others never followed.

You should consider event or goal orientated PVP. We have been doing king of the hill on vector some and it's nice. There has even been pvp in buildings, first team to secure an entire building. One team starts at the top the other at the bottom and you go till one team wins.

Anyways i hope it works out for you.


Joined: Sep 1, 2005
Messages: 527

Change of location is a great thing. I personally hate mara, since the start of the game I have lagged there for no reason. PvP there is always the same. I like when pvp breaks out at camon c because the buildings are different, the lay of the area is completely different and its nice. Any change is a good change but i'm pessimistic of the idea in that I doubt it'll work. Everyone is t o mindless to change locations. I loved the free for all zone in chelsea. I spent hours there and went to the lengths of insulting other players to get them to come pvp there  heh. I hope your able to get people out of mara skull, its a lofty goal.


Ascendent Logic

Joined: Mar 1, 2006
Messages: 3315
Location: Los Angeles, CA


But from what I skimmed through, why not take it to Zero One? Some of the best PvP battles take place there.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 3991
Location: Recursion (as Cap0ne)

Have fun with that. I doubt the elitists that call themselves "teh best pvpers wit teh millionz cqs and heug pen0r" are willing to relocate into unfamiliar territory where they'll be unable to stand and hold their ground for long.

Jacked Out

Joined: Nov 16, 2005
Messages: 1457
Location: UK Server:Syntax/Recursion/Vector

I agree it's a good idea to move pvp, this idea has been mentioned before on Syntax too and it never really got anywhere. Personally im always a fan of places like Camon Central and Tabor Park West, also Tabor Park 'Park' is a great venue for a huge pvp battle.

Message edited by PJMXO on 01/06/2008 19:22:10.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 4429
Location: The Darrius Organization: Machines Faction: The Collective Server: Recursion

Skull, you write too much man.. but judging from the responses, it seems a cry to move the location of PvP?

Let's see, how many times has this been attempted? No matter the locations, contests, or incentives, you still have the main activity being in Mara C. The best that can be done is scheduled fight night scenario's every week, but even those are never really hold weight after a few times.

Ascendent Logic

Joined: Jun 3, 2006
Messages: 670

lets keep a positive adittude. Lets attemp with the combine efforts of all the people who pvp to move it.



Why not turn it into RPvP? that could make things more interesting.

Message edited by ObliGoblin on 01/06/2008 22:52:30.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 21, 2006
Messages: 1916
Location: Dragoons' Den

Skull101 wrote:

 those that did not get a email probly didn't because I missed you or because you were not a "pvper" in my eyes.


For one, to start of if you want to make pvp better, you need to lose this attitude, this clashes with everything you are saying.

Second, my faction that's about 25 50s, spent a long while away from Mara C about a month, in chelsea, at your hardlines and so forth and after all that we are back here.

For me pvp is about /pvp fight, there doesn't need to be restrictions as to where I can pvp, or if I am not A LEVEL 40 ELITE I CAN'T PVP. Which as some of you know goes directly against my faction ethic of all lowbies can flag.

I don't mind the idea of moving locations, it would be nice to go 'hunting' every once in a while, but even in big games like WoW the most populated areas get the biggest pvp. I know it takes three orgs to move it, but these are restricted zones which does not bother me, but when your in a faction that does have lowbies and so forth, it's a bit hard to code in DT, and even harder to bring them to our location. Mara C is practical for this reason.

If you drag pvp away, I will ultimately follow, I pvp alot more than most, so I will probably have to follow or no pvp for me. However my lowbies will be coming, and they will be charging your shield/healing, and if you don't like, recruit and get lowbies to kill them SMILEY


Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 8893
Location: The Indutiae Faction: Fallen Horizon Organisation: Zion Server: Recursion Operative Level: 50

Moving PvP is a good idea, always, but ultimately it falls back to purpose.

The best solution for pvp ingeneral is:-

1. Add a new pvp archive for lvl 50's, or improve 01 with a great purpose to farm it. (i.e new clothing loots which have a small % chance of dropping of TM).

2. Make CQ's only obtainable in archives. I always prefer archive PvP (it removes instant recon from HL's and blue rezzers/attacks).

Femme Fatale

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 11028
Location: Las Vegas, NV

The only time I've ever seen pvp occur in other places minus live events is at a party. So if say we have weekly parties that randomly broke out into pvp, then I'd see it happening.


Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 5154
Location: HvCFT Devildog

You want to make it interesting?  Why don't you make up level 15-25 alts and pvp in Yuki?  Low level pvp is WAY more fun then level 50 pvp.


Joined: Aug 24, 2005
Messages: 1426
Location: Recursion - Seraphim M.K. II

Fen wrote:
You want to make it interesting?  Why don't you make up level 15-25 alts and pvp in Yuki?  Low level pvp is WAY more fun then level 50 pvp.

Seriously.  I hop on my alt at least once a day and head to the archives, since I don't wanna mission.

Ascendent Logic

Joined: Mar 1, 2006
Messages: 3315
Location: Los Angeles, CA

ThHidden01 wrote:
Skull101 wrote:

 those that did not get a email probly didn't because I missed you or because you were not a "pvper" in my eyes.


For one, to start of if you want to make pvp better, you need to lose this attitude, this clashes with everything you are saying.

He most likely only emailed very few people anyway. I'm pretty sure no one in FH got an email and we pretty much PvP whenever we're on and there's action. But then again, everytime he PvPs against us, he becomes a benchwarmer and throws a fit.

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