Yeah, as far as intriguing works of fiction go, this was a great story.
As a movie. . .not so much. The characters just didn't translate to screen very well, and the way the whole Nixon thing was handled just made the very notion ridiculous. Gratuitous violence and sex, albeit ultra-realistic, is just not my cup of tea. But the underlying theme of the barbarity and despair of human nature, well . . . if I want to be depressed over the various grotesqueries of the human condition, I can pick up a newspaper. I don't need to spend $25 at the theater for it.
I guess the most telling aspect of this movie is the fact that, on opening weekend, at the 9pm showing in one of the busiest theaters in middle Tennessee, they were only showing it in one of the four big screening rooms. And there were barely 30 people in there with us. The 'R' rating headed off the majority of the potential audience, and the movies overall depressing tone, one that probably did incredibly well in the graphic novel, will prove to bury this film where no one will remember it.
ShiXinFeng wrote:
Yeah, as far as intriguing works of fiction go, this was a great story.As a movie. . .not so much. The characters just didn't translate to screen very well, and the way the whole Nixon thing was handled just made the very notion ridiculous. Gratuitous violence and sex, albeit ultra-realistic, is just not my cup of tea. But the underlying theme of the barbarity and despair of human nature, well . . . if I want to be depressed over the various grotesqueries of the human condition, I can pick up a newspaper. I don't need to spend $25 at the theater for it.I guess the most telling aspect of this movie is the fact that, on opening weekend, at the 9pm showing in one of the busiest theaters in middle Tennessee, they were only showing it in one of the four big screening rooms. And there were barely 30 people in there with us. The 'R' rating headed off the majority of the potential audience, and the movies overall depressing tone, one that probably did incredibly well in the graphic novel, will prove to bury this film where no one will remember it.
$25! That way way to much to see any movie at a normal theater. When I seen The Dark Night at the IMAX in Austin it was only 12 bucks and thats an upgraded experience. Drinks and Popcorn included still way over priced.
And the motion picture folks wonder why people bootleg.
Thought it was quite good.
Thought it was fairly win myself.
I choose you, Chuck Norris! Roundhouse Kick to that post!
I have been patiently hoping this error would correct itself, but it appears it will not.
Please remove the out of place "The" in the thread title.
The 'R' rating headed off the majority of the potential audience, and the movies overall depressing tone, one that probably did incredibly well in the graphic novel, will prove to bury this film where no one will remember it.
While I certainly hope the movie doesn't end up buried, I do think the choice of going for an R rating was a good one. Yes it almost definitely drastically reduced the amount of money the movie will bring in, but it also allowed content to be brought over directly from the comic books without requiring reworking, rethinking or massive editing. The rating also serves to separate Watchmen from other comic book based movies in some ways, and this was reinforced by the ad campaign. It's not meant to fall within the same category as the Spiderman Movies, Iron Man Movies, Transformers Movies, etc. It's not a slam bang popcorn action movie, just like the comic books weren't the typical slam bang action comics.
Shinryu wrote:
ShiXinFeng wrote:The 'R' rating headed off the majority of the potential audience, and the movies overall depressing tone, one that probably did incredibly well in the graphic novel, will prove to bury this film where no one will remember it.While I certainly hope the movie doesn't end up buried, I do think the choice of going for an R rating was a good one. Yes it almost definitely drastically reduced the amount of money the movie will bring in, but it also allowed content to be brought over directly from the comic books without requiring reworking, rethinking or massive editing. The rating also serves to separate Watchmen from other comic book based movies in some ways, and this was reinforced by the ad campaign. It's not meant to fall within the same category as the Spiderman Movies, Iron Man Movies, Transformers Movies, etc. It's not a slam bang popcorn action movie, just like the comic books weren't the typical slam bang action comics.
Well said Shinryu. Excuse my rough quote, but Zack Snyder once said how his mother used to subscribe him to these Heavy Metal comics which were heavily graphic. His friends showed him the common superhero comics, and he was like "When do they start ****ing and killing each other?" Then when he read Watchmen, it was exactly what he was looking for. Watchmen is an incredibly graphic graphic novel.
Oh I get it, completely. As I said, it was a brilliant story. I'm just saying that I left the theater feeling worse about life than when I went in. If that's what the director was going for, then hat's off to him.
That's not really why I go to the movies though. At the very least, the lead character dies for a good reason or leaves behind an unforgettable legacy. After this movie though, I just felt. . .down.
The more I think about it, the more I feel like this is one story that should never been made a movie.
Oh I get it, completely. As I said, it was a brilliant story. I'm just saying that I left the theater feeling worse about life than when I went in. If that's what the director was going for, then hat's off to him.That's not really why I go to the movies though. At the very least, the lead character dies for a good reason or leaves behind an unforgettable legacy. After this movie though, I just felt. . .down.The more I think about it, the more I feel like this is one story that should never been made a movie.
They changed the ending to Dodgeball because of folks like you. The original ending was suppose to be the Joes team lost to the purple Cobras and Steve the Pirate was suppose to find his treasure and they open up a new Gym down the road. The test audience didnt like it because it wasnt a happy ending so they changed it to where the Joes won. Ben Still say something about it in the credits when he does the milk shake song.
Theres nothing wrong with going to see a movie for a happy ending. Thats why some folks go to the movies. They want E.T. to make it home and not get shot and put in Area 51 because everyone knows thats what really would have happen.
I plan on seeing it next week but knowing that there is a fuller cut almost an hours worth im not gonna make my final judment of it till i see that final directors cut.
nubious81 wrote:
I believe the director's cut will just include the Black Freighter stuff, so it shouldn't really change the overall experience of the movie other than extra fanboy content.
TheShickle wrote:
nubious81 wrote:I plan on seeing it next week but knowing that there is a fuller cut almost an hours worth im not gonna make my final judment of it till i see that final directors cut.I believe the director's cut will just include the Black Freighter stuff, so it shouldn't really change the overall experience of the movie other than extra fanboy content.
According to Puck, who worked on the movie, there's other stuff.
Probably things like the psychologist's side story and the death of Hollis Mason.
There is 3 versions. Theatrical, Directors cut and extended Directors cut. (the latter which has the Black Freighter stuff in)
Neoteny wrote:
TheShickle wrote:nubious81 wrote:I plan on seeing it next week but knowing that there is a fuller cut almost an hours worth im not gonna make my final judment of it till i see that final directors cut.I believe the director's cut will just include the Black Freighter stuff, so it shouldn't really change the overall experience of the movie other than extra fanboy content.According to Puck, who worked on the movie, there's other stuff.Probably things like the psychologist's side story and the death of Hollis Mason.
That would be very cool. I always thought both of those were depressingly funny.
odj wrote:
TheShickle wrote:nubious81 wrote:I plan on seeing it next week but knowing that there is a fuller cut almost an hours worth im not gonna make my final judment of it till i see that final directors cut.I believe the director's cut will just include the Black Freighter stuff, so it shouldn't really change the overall experience of the movie other than extra fanboy content.There is 3 versions. Theatrical, Directors cut and extended Directors cut. (the latter which has the Black Freighter stuff in)
I take it they will be released in that order as well?