Will the result of tomorrow's football game or tonight's zerg on Vector change the world? No, not in any significant way. But in the best moments, stories will be created, emotions will explode, and everyone involved will take something away with them. That's what makes games worth playing and being a part of.
w00t, you couldn't have put that any better, although I'm sure Vector emotions are a bit more on the negative side than the positive
"OMG U SPLOITING NOOB!!!!!" coming from a player thats only just reached 50 and was buffed, although I guess an unbuffed player beating a buffed player is a bit weird?? but anyways I do love the fact u compared a football game to a Vector zerg. too bad I'm english and thinking football is soccer for the first 5 minutes and wondering wth u were on about because I've been in a bar during a figh... after I fight I mean because one football team beat another, so it does change the world, in a very very minor way
just remember ladies and gents, seats + back of head = pain, and lots of it
Wow, that other side definately made me think.
I can't really sum it up apart from... thank you Walrus. Thank you for just being such a great, level headed, down to earth, kinda guy. It's odd but truthful; you're like a guidance filled father figure to my 'MxO side'.
Now with the 'mushy' stuff outta the way, w00t for hopeful winter luggable!
/afk, /details, /setbackground ... (In Austin Powers' voice) Was that so hard, baby?!
Thanks for that stuff, guys. The changeable details along with the RP item vendors and Resource's data drop is gonna revolutionize RP in this game.
And Walrus, have you heard the Buckeyes got a new wrestling coach this year? Keep your eye on that team, too.