Welcome to the forums, Cyclaws! :smileyvery-happy:
Version 3:This version introducted choice, and 'The One'. Remember, just because the Matrix get's reset (when The One returns to The Source), doesn't mean it's the next version. Think of it in terms of the Windows operating system. If you're running Windows 2000, and you reboot it (The One going to The Source), does it suddenly boot into Windows XP (the next version of Windows)? No, it boots back into 2000. So, 6 'Ones', the previous 5 just rebooting The Matrix.
I'm not so sure that the Matrix was even rebooted. Although I'll check the Architect scene again.
Version 4 isn't really a "version" in my eyes, it's just the old one evolving in new unexpected ways. OK, there was the Smith business and Sati added some new colors to daytime, but that's kinda secondary "
The versions of the Matrix aren't counted by the resets. They are counted by the re-emergence of the next systemic anomaly, in which Neo was the sixth, therefore this is the sixth version. Should there be another One, the Matrix would become another version, the Seventh version.
Ask (Agent) Jeeves.