9mmfu wrote:These are the current overal CQ leaders on the servers (note some maybe inactive but still hold their ranking)If there are errors then I can look into our method of generating them and see if there is a problemAs of July 14, 2008, 2:30pm PST Syntax1. Pharaoh420Nels - 34943 2. Keppen - 17687 3. Kanjo - 17327 4. Endomorph - 16104 5. Ja2ck6son - 15863 6. Sphairo - 15833 7. BofaDee - 15696 <4Horsemen>8. ORIONREX - 14675 9. deecode - 13923 10. AresPhobos - 13803 11. D3athBlad3 - 12217 12. MikeCool3 - 11826 13. Marias - 11822 14. Wesker813 - 10883 15. InvalidSyntax - 10507 16. themarsnova - 10309 17. AnXieTy762 - 10205 18. Comserv - 10146 19. GraceofDarkness - 9944 20. hedRUSH - 9791 I've coloured the following to show there orgs and listed there factions next to there names.Blue - CypheritesYellow - EpnGreen - ZionRed - MerovingianSlate Grey - MachineSome i were unsure of so happily correct me if im wrong >.>
These are the current overal CQ leaders on the servers (note some maybe inactive but still hold their ranking)If there are errors then I can look into our method of generating them and see if there is a problemAs of July 14, 2008, 2:30pm PST Syntax1. Pharaoh420Nels - 34943 2. Keppen - 17687 3. Kanjo - 17327 4. Endomorph - 16104 5. Ja2ck6son - 15863 6. Sphairo - 15833 7. BofaDee - 15696 <4Horsemen>8. ORIONREX - 14675 9. deecode - 13923 10. AresPhobos - 13803 11. D3athBlad3 - 12217 12. MikeCool3 - 11826 13. Marias - 11822 14. Wesker813 - 10883 15. InvalidSyntax - 10507 16. themarsnova - 10309 17. AnXieTy762 - 10205 18. Comserv - 10146 19. GraceofDarkness - 9944 20. hedRUSH - 9791
These are the current overal CQ leaders on the servers (note some maybe inactive but still hold their ranking)
If there are errors then I can look into our method of generating them and see if there is a problem
As of July 14, 2008, 2:30pm PST
Syntax1. Pharaoh420Nels - 34943 2. Keppen - 17687 3. Kanjo - 17327 4. Endomorph - 16104 5. Ja2ck6son - 15863 6. Sphairo - 15833 7. BofaDee - 15696 <4Horsemen>8. ORIONREX - 14675 9. deecode - 13923 10. AresPhobos - 13803 11. D3athBlad3 - 12217 12. MikeCool3 - 11826 13. Marias - 11822 14. Wesker813 - 10883 15. InvalidSyntax - 10507 16. themarsnova - 10309 17. AnXieTy762 - 10205 18. Comserv - 10146 19. GraceofDarkness - 9944 20. hedRUSH - 9791
I've coloured the following to show there orgs and listed there factions next to there names.
Blue - Cypherites
Yellow - Epn
Green - Zion
Red - Merovingian
Slate Grey - Machine
Some i were unsure of so happily correct me if im wrong >.>
ILLFACE and Sajgho are not Trinity members anymore!!ILLFACE is ELITE and Saj.....um..i think he was factionless.Yeaman is PDS and ThePhantomPain is not Organized Crime.I think he's factionless too.
Saying that someone is "factionless" isn't really the best choice of words.
TonyJaa wrote:ILLFACE and Sajgho are not Trinity members anymore!!ILLFACE is ELITE and Saj.....um..i think he was factionless.Yeaman is PDS and ThePhantomPain is not Organized Crime.I think he's factionless too.Saying that someone is "factionless" isn't really the best choice of words.
I'm glad this fell into the hands of those that follow pvp. In the past few months I have really become a part time player and barely get to do the in-game things that I want to do which never include pvp. So, cheers, /tiphat to AltDimension for taking this project on!
These are the current overal CQ leaders on the servers (note some maybe inactive but still hold their ranking)If there are errors then I can look into our method of generating them and see if there is a problemAs of July 14, 2008, 2:30pm PSTRecursion1. Crowlos - 212262. DEATHWARRANT - 187853. Seraphus - 184184. Illyria1 - 171275. Jardiniere - 157906. IDeathWarrantI - 155857. Prim3 - 154718. StupidFly - 151529. Miggesch - 1450110. Skull086 - 1418911. Aquatium - 1388612. old - 1348713. NeuAscension - 1332114. Zacarias - 1327015. Stanka - 1289716. Sattakan - 1237217. Cyko - 1216418. Jauoty - 1126619. BlazinWolf - 1028420. MsElena - 9848Syntax1. Pharaoh420Nels - 349432. Keppen - 176873. Kanjo - 173274. Endomorph - 161045. Ja2ck6son - 158636. Sphairo - 158337. BofaDee - 156968. ORIONREX - 146759. deecode - 1392310. AresPhobos - 1380311. D3athBlad3 - 1221712. MikeCool3 - 1182613. Marias - 1182214. Wesker813 - 1088315. InvalidSyntax - 1050716. themarsnova - 1030917. AnXieTy762 - 1020518. Comserv - 1014619. GraceofDarkness - 994420. hedRUSH - 9791Vector1. EpsiIon - 259132. ILLFACE - 234833. 2soon2late - 218224. Krytical - 195455. Broin - 180286. SKOALMINT - 174427. deviljonny - 168078. Yasamuu - 150519. yeaman - 1492710. SajghO - 1467811. ThePhantomPain - 1418712. trevona - 1386013. Duckker - 1354114. Madbent - 1319915. darkhaze - 1313116. DA6ONET - 1280517. LilJade - 1268518. Brommerz77 - 1209719. OooRoyooO - 1193220. hlew88 - 11308
Recursion1. Crowlos - 212262. DEATHWARRANT - 187853. Seraphus - 184184. Illyria1 - 171275. Jardiniere - 157906. IDeathWarrantI - 155857. Prim3 - 154718. StupidFly - 151529. Miggesch - 1450110. Skull086 - 1418911. Aquatium - 1388612. old - 1348713. NeuAscension - 1332114. Zacarias - 1327015. Stanka - 1289716. Sattakan - 1237217. Cyko - 1216418. Jauoty - 1126619. BlazinWolf - 1028420. MsElena - 9848
Syntax1. Pharaoh420Nels - 349432. Keppen - 176873. Kanjo - 173274. Endomorph - 161045. Ja2ck6son - 158636. Sphairo - 158337. BofaDee - 156968. ORIONREX - 146759. deecode - 1392310. AresPhobos - 1380311. D3athBlad3 - 1221712. MikeCool3 - 1182613. Marias - 1182214. Wesker813 - 1088315. InvalidSyntax - 1050716. themarsnova - 1030917. AnXieTy762 - 1020518. Comserv - 1014619. GraceofDarkness - 994420. hedRUSH - 9791
Vector1. EpsiIon - 259132. ILLFACE - 234833. 2soon2late - 218224. Krytical - 195455. Broin - 180286. SKOALMINT - 174427. deviljonny - 168078. Yasamuu - 150519. yeaman - 1492710. SajghO - 1467811. ThePhantomPain - 1418712. trevona - 1386013. Duckker - 1354114. Madbent - 1319915. darkhaze - 1313116. DA6ONET - 1280517. LilJade - 1268518. Brommerz77 - 1209719. OooRoyooO - 1193220. hlew88 - 11308
When did Digital Reality go Cypherite? Had to have been towards the end of Kanjo's CQs if it did happen.