been thinking about the humans darkening the sky to win the war with the machines, I don't quite buy that notion that was the whole plan, as we see when neo went above the clouds what happened to the sentinals and bombs that followed, they were all zapped along with niobe's ship
and thinking that zion the last human city is underground deep into the earth, why? the machines recreated the last human city like it was before they destroyed it, but the why was the last human city underground? if darkening the sky was to be humity's best bet, why build a city under ground?
my theory is darkening the sky was not the plan, creating a world wide EM field, and building a base deep within the earth to shield themselves from the EM field was the plan, however the plan never came to a conclusion, I believe the plan was to create the em field and shield themselves from it, and to bring that em field down to fry all the machines
thing is though that the "Second Renaissance" is based on the zion archive, which we know the machines know everything in it
the sky is still darkened, the machines have been unable or unwilling to undo the darkened sky, the nations of man knew more than what it was implied in the Second Renaissance
plus did the nations of man have a plan if it worked? leave the sky scorched?
what was the fallback plan if it had failed?
the true knowledge of the plan are lost, duely to prevention of the machines obtaining the knowledge
we just know it failed, and the armies of man fell, and the last hold out zion was destroyed to me it sounds like 3 plans failed, starving the machines of power, defending the nations of man from the machines, and failure to destroy the machines
so what I am saying is that the truth behind the darksky is not known by anyone, and the info in the Second Renaissance" is not quite the truth either, its likely very close
the theory placed earlier could have been a fallback plan that never got executed
In second Ren. we learn that it was the humans that struck first and all that, however Morpheus said in the first movie that it was unknown who struck first. In all likelyhood, the Second Ren. is there for the benefit of the audience. If this is the case then it doesnt matter if it the archive was in Zion or the Machine mainframe. In all honesty it would have been more plausable to believe it was in the machine mainframe, but at the time Animatrix was released (between matrix's two and three) it is more acceptable to have had this short be found in the Zion mainframe rather then the machines as the audience, which is human, would have "access" to the file dispite the cannon breakage. But then again, cannonship as to who had it doesnt apply as Second Ren is for the benefit of the audience and had no impact on the current point in time for the story (IE Second Ren, while explaining why it started, is set 600 years into the past and has no bearing on the current cycle).
In regards to how and why man dropped nucks rather then detonate in the atmosphere, I think the people who wrote that story most likely failed to do proper research on EMP's. When you really think about it, it was rather foolish that man didnt build some sort of factory recall command into the AI's which would have made it far more easyer for dismantle the robots instead of letting the local populations rip them apart.
And finally, the machines of the past were dependent on solar energy. However when Darkstorm hit they were forced to seek out alternate and abundent sources of enegy, IE man. Darkstorm is explained, in the ultimate collection, to be compossed of trillians of nanites designed to blot out the sun and to attack anything with an electrial current. This would make sence as if there was no secondary function to prevent machines from breeching the storm would merely have to build either cloud peircing towers or giant solar collecting robots to rise above the storm, bask in the sun light for awhile, and return to 01 with a full battery. Why the machines pursued Neo and Trinity into darkstorm when they knew themselves that the Logos would have come falling down, who knows. It could very well be another plot hole, though needed, to explain that DarkStrom was deadly to the machines.
that is another thing, the humans blackened the sky, the machiens were solar powered, how much power did they have on battery power, before capturing humans building an effecient power system based on humans/fusion
humans are one thing but the standby power source of fusion... 01 is in a very poor resource region, the materials to feed fusion are not there
yeah a shutdown code...just about every scifi dealing with AI will have some sort of shutdown code built in, hell even real robots today have a shutdown sequence
the humans in the matrix are like "well we could put in a shutdown code, ahh but why bother" as you mentioned the humans in the matrix are showed as being extremely dumb
not to mention space... there are no space stations? no colonies? no machine rockets?
the movie has huge *CENSORED* plot holes
Well I think you are starting to dig too deeply into the story. If you try to get every detail you will get Moby *CENSORED* in terms of length but I think its best to discribe a few things as this:
1. The machines had ample time to learn about DarkStorm and began to stockpile the solar energy. Keep in mind that machines can natrually share information within the amount of time it takes to blink. So if one machine learned about Darkstorm, in the time it takes to blink the entire machine population knows, has formed a counter plan and already begun to task machines to build the required items needed to tied them over until they can find an alternate energy source.
2. In the battle after darkstorm hit, we clearly see humans were already being used in a more or less simple fusion process to power the machines more powerful weaponry, the later process focused on containment and so forth while the war time one most likely focused on getting energy quickly. In short DarkStorm lost its advantage realitivly quickly after being deployed.
3. Even if there were space colonies (there is nothing to say there are or arnt) there would have been no way you could take the earths popuation and move it to space. We have 6 billion people now, imagine what the population would have been during the time of the second Ren. Even if there were established space colonies, there would be no way to move the earth population nor would humans want to move to begin with. The vast majority would have the "we were here first!" mentality.
the space colonies thing was really saying that darkstorm really hosed humanity more than it did the machines, if there were space colonies, darkstorm would sever those colonies from both machine and man, I believe there are colonies, cause the knowledge of how to undo darkstorm must exist somewhere... the machines don't have it, so odds are its not on earth