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Zion's Fleet of HCvT How many were/ Are there?
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Joined: Sep 6, 2005
Messages: 11

I know in the movies the (second and third) they make several refrences to the Human fleet of ships, has there ever been a count of how many and or a list of how it was split up?


I know you see 3 or 4 Diffrent ones


Hammer (Larger and more heavly crewed)


Logos (Smaller maybe a scout ship)


Nebercnezer (spelling sorry) (A midsized ship)


Vigilant (Simmilar to the Neber)


Any insight would be appreciated or links if they possably produced sum info on this.




Fansite Operator

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why not count all the people sitting in that meeting scene in reloaded then divide the answer by 5 (my estimate at an average sized crew) ?

Systemic Anomaly

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Lets see there was

The Hammer (but I've also seen it called the Mjonoare) captain is Roland (The ship that brought Morph back to Zion in Revo)
The Neb captain is Morph
The Logos captain is Niobe
The Vigilant captain is Soren. (the third ship that helped Neo get to the source
The Novilis  captain Tirant (Bald dude at the sewer meeting.)

The Caduceus captain is Ballard (Ship that bane was on and the crew that brought word to Neo that the oracle wanted to see him)
The Gnosis captain is Ice (Caucasian women at the sewer meeting. Niobe saves her while escaping the sewers also the two ZIon ops guarding the door to the sewer are from this crew)

The Ositis captain Thadeus (Ship that discovered the sentinel army)
The Icarus captain Ajax (Arab looking man at the sewer mowing)
The Brahma captain Kali (African woman at the sewer meeting)


there are also four other ships but I have no data and nether does Stackk on these

The Avatar
The Ganesha
The Shiva
and The Vishnu

and now there's the Novalis 2 captain Sawayaka (friend of Niobe)

(all data was taken from and my own raw knowledge of the matrix)

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