hmmm... Machines.
Well here's the reason I went machine and why g7g.
After the humans destroyed the world, the machines learned to be afraid of their potentially destructive power, even to the point of self-anhilation. So they have them under lock and key in pods, and in Zion. The Zion cave exists soley so that when The One anomaly is created, he has a place to go. Obviously they can't find the anomaly themselves so they rely on Zion to find it for them. But at the same time they don't like Zion robbing them of their power sources while searching for this anomaly, so the agents take care of that issue for them.
Since the unforeseen truce due to the destructive Smith virus and the sacrifice of the human anomaly, Machines have honorably let humans live. But of course this peace is tenuous and can fail at anytime. So rules were put into place that allowed Zion some freedom of movement and the permission to free a limited amount of willing minds to prevent overpopulation of the cave which humans have a history of accomplishing. Over-crowding is not an ideal situation for neither the humans or the machines, civil war due to limited resources would eventually occur inside the cave.
The Zion's have limited freedom meaning that they can free minds only until the power generators notice more than negligible drops. When Morpheus went about freeing hordes of un-willing bluepills, he created a serious power problem that even the Merovingian was fearful of. Several Zion operatives were also helping Morpheus in his quest to destroy the Matrix.
Recently, with the influx of redpills into the Matrix (merger), the only possible explanation is that Zion is freeing many more minds than they are allowed. Also, as many Zion operatives who were helping Morpheus are still roaming free without punition even though they were acomplises to the lunatic, although they seem to be following the rules as set down by the Machines, most machinist factions believe they are using loopholes in the system to slowly degrade the Matrix. Agents are not going to break the rules and start laying down the law against repeated offenders, so it is up to us to prevent Zion from freeing too many minds. Obviously we don't want to totally stop them, but we need to slow their recruitment process. And until they slow it, they shall be hunted.
Operatives that follow the Merovingian's orders have, and always will be, located and destroyed. The Merovingian already has too much power as an exile, he needs to be deleted and purged, as well as any lap-dogs that follow at his heels. Exiles are space wasting programs that are not essential.
And the reason I joined g7g? All of the above. We are a lite RP faction, and I love it!