Party is back to 8 pm cst, So our DJs don't interfere with the snowball fights on Syntax. If you want to hang out at the party spot before then though, Your Welcome to do so as RMC will be broadcasting during the event on syntax.
Location is Club Messiah by the Chelsea north central hard line.
Noteable Events at the Party*;
Party Lottery, There will be a lottery during the party, 10 million Starting money plus 100k per ticket. All proceeds go to the winner to be announced during the party. More details at the party.
Snowball fight. There will be a 20 million prize for a "last hat on" Snowball fight. To take place a some point during the party. Bring your own hat and snowballs. We'll try to have the downtown Mobile Snowman available but since it's a luggable it might be hard to keep around.
Tournament. A freestyle purebuild Tourney is in the works, Detailed Rules to be posted later or given at the party.
* party details not set in stone and may change at any time.