Some people, I've come to conclude, are Smithites...In other words, they've adopted the philosophy of Agent Smith: "I've come to realize the purpose of life is to destroy it." Or to paraphrase, the purpose of to end MxO. Seems like SOE has adopted this philosophy. And for some people here, for some reason I fail to comprehend, are in agreement with SOE 100%. They will always argue and fight tooth and nail against anything that might breathe life into this game.
well yeah Avath is still subbed, but even if she wasnt doesnt mean this thread is less useful, theres something very important pointed out here and is the Real question thats been in everybodys minds, when do we get answers to anything regarding Feedback of Mxo's future???, since this is not the subject of this thread ,im hoping that someone can point me to the direction or thread that this was said from Walrus (after the anniversary..blah blah blah..), that is the answer that we really need before further discussing here about a merge.....oh and merge ftw... btw
I think the idea of just ending this game is an accepted idea opposed to trying to breath life back into the game because most of us don't believe it's even possible.
Im still here. I just dont post much, dont care for forum cq, even though I visit Dn1 almost everyday. Like Jahzel said, doesn't matter if Im here or not, this thread has been very successful from my point of view. We don't have a merge, but that doesn't reflect the desire of a great part of the community.
Like I said before, I just have fun with what we currently have since we dont have a developer. We dont even have an answer to our big question: WHAT WILL HAPPEN NOW TO MXO?
Its not that I feel defeated, is just that Real Life can be so stressful, that the least thing I want to do when I log to play, its to argue with SOE. So while we sit and wait, lets try to have fun and make the best of the $15 we pay a month. - Just my thoughts.
Totally agree with Avath. Have as much fun with the time we have left. The game could close down tomorrow and all this squabbling ain't doing anything. As Rare said before he left, the storyline is left with us. Not just that, everything. Now is when the community should really pull together.
To me the game hasn't changed, just numbers within it. We have so much more gear to get, on diff chars etc. Same game, just no story. Story went to pot anyways. I came in about chapt 4 and was like wth lol
We would all like to be able to merge/transfer chars but it just ain't possible. Thats SoE's fault for not doing much when they aquired the game. So the people that want to merge / transfer, roll another char, only option. Don't need to make that your main char, just another place to experiance what you like when the server you prefer isn't active, at that point. Community sticks together and communicates = more fun for us before the game dies.