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[8.3.1] "I'm on the list" - Recursion - 10/10/07
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Cyph Leader

Joined: Feb 10, 2006
Messages: 57

A dormant treasure--an RSI signature archive--has been unearthed from the depths of the destroyed Zion mainframe. Those who served with Zion years ago, when the archive was made, and who still sleep with old firmware, could lose control of their dream--if the Machines should desire it.
As we see far too frequently, information may harm rather than help. Secrets revealed to the light of day must be used judiciously, or go astray.










































Hidden Resource

Joined: Sep 15, 2007
Messages: 19

Grace has every right to be scared of what the Machines will do.  The Machines want to force her to live within their simulation or die.  These Machines who want to have control over every facet of every thing in this world.  Forgive me, these Machines who need to have that control.  They are just as flawed as we humans are, the only problem is that their programming does not allow themselves to realize it.  They think that they can create a perfect world, believing that its misery that human beings thrive on.  Never have it been understood that it is the struggle that is important to us, the feelings and experiences that are important to us that constantly challenge ourselves to become better.

They wish to force us to be stuck in one mode, forever in one year, never advancing, never progressing.  Humanity compelled to be stagnant.  Suppress those internal drives that each human being feels as instinct.  Crush the human spirit, try and erase it until it does not crop up again.  They know that they cannot do achieve that goal so they allowed 1% to be free and in a roundabout way keep it under control...eventually killing thousands of human beings...all for their version of the "greater good".  Individuals such as Grace who are free spirits, will eventually be brought under the heel of the Machines' boot, all because that adventurism, daring, and creativity is contrary to the control that the Machines want.

This is why I fight for Zion.  To keep what makes us human alive.


((Wow almost tempted to put in there "Keep Hope Alive!"SMILEY)

Jacked Out

Joined: Mar 23, 2007
Messages: 1133

This business about "the list" is going to cause no-end of problems isn't it. Like a bomb just waiting to receive a code to set it off.

"A right to be afraid" I'd say that's pretty true, considering the number of people on that list. Does it mean that the Machines can scare us into submission? That I do doubt.

Some people say fear can destroy a person, mine drives me forwards, willing me to act to save those who cannot. We will fight, we may die. That is the price we pay as soldiers. I hold no fear when facing something like this, only purpose.

This latest act by the Machines with "the list" shows me one thing. They are having to find more and more elaborate ways to try to get to us. They say we will not survive this war this time. They will remove every last one of us.

Let them come. Our strength is each other, you cannot scare us.

From many one ~ E Pluribus Neo

MC Photographer

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If she needs any amount of protection, there's always a place for her among the Merovingian's paladins....

Fansite Operator

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
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Location: UK -------- Instance: Syntax --- Organisation: Zion - Faction: Omega Syndicate

((Wait, doesnt that mean cryptos is on the list too?))

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 24, 2005
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cloudwolf wrote:
((Wait, doesnt that mean cryptos is on the list too?))
Yeah, but that doesn't matter, he's already in bed with the Machines.


Joined: Apr 21, 2006
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Location: The Dark Side of the Moon

Most likely Cryptos is on the list... I wasn't there for the event but it sounds... interesting...

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
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Archangel wrote:
cloudwolf wrote:
((Wait, doesnt that mean cryptos is on the list too?))
Yeah, but that doesn't matter, he's already in bed with the Machines.
He may be on the list but hasn't his RSI undergone quiet a few signature changes? What with the program the Machines put inside him and then whatever Seraph did to him I doubt his signal on that list is the same one we see today.


Joined: Aug 15, 2005
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GamiSB wrote:
Archangel wrote:
cloudwolf wrote:
((Wait, doesnt that mean cryptos is on the list too?))
Yeah, but that doesn't matter, he's already in bed with the Machines.
He may be on the list but hasn't his RSI undergone quiet a few signature changes? What with the program the Machines put inside him and then whatever Seraph did to him I doubt his signal on that list is the same one we see today.

Exactly, the operative needs to be in the same "state of mind" as when the signature was made. The eyeball-less, faux-profound fruit loop we have today should be safe from the proverbial Sword of Damocles.


Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 4565
Location: The Real

I thought the state of mind only applied to the one opening it?

All in favor of making a new list for the rest of Zion while we're at it?

Broadcast Location Coordinates
Signal Carrier ID

Please submit to the nearest Machine and/or Machine operative for quick results.  First come, first serve.  Act now!


Joined: Aug 15, 2005
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Location: HvCft Diabolus

Garu wrote:

I thought the state of mind only applied to the one opening it?

Ah yes, my mistake; I do believe the toaster is right.


Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 4565
Location: The Real

shinpseudo wrote:

Ah yes, my mistake; I do believe the toaster is right.

Sorry but I've upgraded, I'm now a waffle iron. SMILEY

Ascendent Logic

Joined: Mar 16, 2006
Messages: 4809

Garu wrote:
shinpseudo wrote:

Ah yes, my mistake; I do believe the toaster is right.

Sorry but I've upgraded, I'm now a waffle iron. SMILEY

SMILEY The evolution of a Machinist? A few more years and you'll be an oven or a microwave.

Fansite Operator

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 8129
Location: UK -------- Instance: Syntax --- Organisation: Zion - Faction: Omega Syndicate

(( what i dont understand is why go through so much effort stopping the machines getting into the data etc, claiming loads could die when we can apparently just have our signatures reconfigured? ))

Femme Fatale

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 232
Location: Mega City, CA

((If you don't remember or know about it, you might want to read up on Grace's backstory.  There's history between her, Tyndall, and Lock.))

((EDIT: You can also refresh yourself on the content of Grace's contact missions with Sugaree's ever-fabulous mission summaries.  Good stuff!))

Message edited by cov on 10/12/2007 13:29:41.

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