They could at least just keep 1 server running. They havnt done anything anyway, so it cant cost that much, at least 15 bucks like they were doing. I hope they change it to keep 1 server running or sell it to someone. I have never seen a game this unique. And there is no other game that lived up to this one. I am really going to miss it, everyone can say its just a game, but after 4-5 years, its been my game everyday for 4-5 years.
Well, this post was a little late, , but I agree with the OP.
XXT wrote:
They could at least just keep 1 server running.
THANK YOU! It would cut down on costs and by doing that it would at least keep us somewhat happy. I would much rather have a game with one server and no updates than have nothing at all.
Jurymen wrote:
XXT wrote:They could at least just keep 1 server running.THANK YOU! It would cut down on costs and by doing that it would at least keep us somewhat happy. I would much rather have a game with one server and no updates than have nothing at all.
I am MetaLogic and I agree with this message.
However, it's 4 down, at the 50 yard line, and 3 seconds are left on the clock. In other words, too little, too late.
Fen wrote:
The Agency, as a game, is likely to be leaps and bounds better than the Matrix Online,
I'm not sure I agree with this. Based upon the (very limited) footage they have released of The Agency it looks a lot like a typical run of the mill team based 1st/3rd person shooter. If there is non-prerendered footage of any actual non-shooter content I don't recall seeing it anywhere. It doesn't look like it will have either the MMO aspect or the RPG aspect that MxO has. Unless something changes from what they have been showing us, not only will it not be a real replacement for MxO but it won't even be in the same genre.
Make it so, Jurymen! >_>
The five stages of grief:
Your heart and mind is in a good place, Mere. It really is like losing an old friend.
Unfortunately, efforts like ours equal mere vanity.
Pack it up... and know that people like Foxdie, Mave and NightTrace are always around to spit that stinging venom they call "I told you so" right in our faces.
I was level 42 when I quit on my original account due to the sell out.
I just got past level 10 about an hour ago...and wrote up karate for myself, and, man I haven't had this much fun in a game in a long time.
I don't really know how any game could ever compared to interlock martial arts in MxO.
Phrack wrote:
Pack it up... and know that people like Foxdie, Mave and NightTrace are always around to spit that stinging venom they call "I told you so" right in our faces.<3
They should have paid a sub when the going got tough like the rest of us. The only mmo based on the Matrix universe, and the legends of the game bailed on it. Money talks in this day.
JEasy wrote:
Phrack wrote:Pack it up... and know that people like Foxdie, Mave and NightTrace are always around to spit that stinging venom they call "I told you so" right in our faces.<3They should have paid a sub when the going got tough like the rest of us. The only mmo based on the Matrix universe, and the legends of the game bailed on it. Money talks in this day.
I think NightTrace got Permabanned from MxO.
We're only back to see it die and say goodbye. Even if they decided to keep the game going I wouldn't stick around and I doubt many others would. Let's stop this and just say goodbye to a sick old friend.
Foxxdie wrote:
Agreed, now is the time to set aside whatever was in the past, and join together for one final hurrah.
I'd stay if they actually put a years worth of effort into it. Subscription fees aren't anything to me. I got 5 SoE subs going atm, two NCSoft ones, two Blizzard subs, its just money for entertainment.
Blizzard subs were gonna get canceled, as were the NCSoft ones, I figured, eh SWG has sort of shaped up and they got MxO so maybe just sub to SoE for awhile, maybe they have really changed. Far as I could tell, especially with SWG and SWG customer service...they had.
Then this comes along.
Really, are you flippin' daft? I did sub when the going got tough. I subbed for several years of this game declining. Eventually enough is enough. I've got better things to spend my money on than a broken, mistreated game. I love The Matrix universe and always will, and I loved the first 6 months of this game when we had most of what we were promised when we bought it. Why pretend to love a shadow of something I used to like? If that's not some Matrix-style philosophy - that people would "defend the system" in the face of imminent demise - I don't know what is.
That's funny right there. I'm openly gonna sit here and pay for disservice. Screw that, it's my money.
And I'm sorry if the "I told you so" offended any of you, but if you honestly think that the way this game was going that SOE was going to keep it alive/going, then I'm sorry. But I saw it coming.
As far as I'm concerned, this game died a LOOOOOOONG time ago. The MxO we knew, shared moments with, and loved so much died a long time ago. All that was left was this carcass.
When something you love dies, you bury it out of respect. You don't leave it hanging on display as it rots day by day.