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To serve the Machines
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Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 3, 2006
Messages: 17

I was trying to think back to the movies where a redpill served the machines interest.  I can't think of any but my memory of the second two movies is somewhat hazy.


What exacly is a redpill serving the machines?  Are they people who regret the decision to leave?  I've been trying to come up wiht a character idea and I've hammered out a few things.  I'm just curious what it is like both in game and in the mythos to serve the machines.


Joined: Nov 22, 2005
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Location: JacKed -N- Hax out.

One who regrets taking the choice would most likely be a Chyper but then again I don't pay much attention to Cyph & EPN politics....


The final fight with the Smith Virus would probably be the only example of a "machine mission". Neo chooses, obviously to save zion, but also to restore control to the Matrix. Without Trinity, The one will default to logic as did the ones before him that Reset the matrix.

 A Machinist should represent:

Productivity, Purpose, & Logic.


Joined: Aug 1, 2006
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Location: New Zealand

One of my characters works for the Machines in order to help them create and maintain a better world for all those hapless bluepills.  There are still a great many people hardwired into the Matrix, and this character aims to make life better for them as they are still the larger portion of mankind.

Hope this helps.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 4429
Location: The Darrius Organization: Machines Faction: The Collective Server: Recursion

There we no Machine-sympathizers during the trilogy because there was never a truce inplace. How could you work for an authority that would kill you the second they had the chance?

I have been a Machinist philosopher and operative since I was freed a few days after Neo binded the truce with the machines. I strive for a peaceful coexistance between man and machine, and I will work with them to show my support and to help lessen the threat of any truce breakers in the Matrix.

Zion operatives may have the same goals, and some do, but Zion is blinded by their Council, and their operatives are questionable (Anome). The human supporters of the Merovingian are a waist, serving an exiled program for their own power and lust. I never know why someone would work for such a pompous *CENSORED*, but to each their own. Cypherites are weak and want to live in a lie, they cannot be successful, and will not be successful. EPN are the biggest threat to the truce, and are my main target in eliminating on the field. They say they strive to continue Neo's legacy, but in fact they are merely spitting on his grave.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 3, 2006
Messages: 17

hmm.  You have thrown a couple new terms in that I am not familiar with.  What are cypherites and EPN?


Perhaps it woulkd help if I described my view o the situation.  My alt likes to know what is going on.  for that reason alone he would not go back to being a blue pill.  At the same time he cares for the bluepills he used to know and doesnt want them to have to deal with the real world.  they are happy in the matrix and he doesnt want anything to break that illuswion for them.  Since 99% of the people would choose he matrix those 99% should be allowed to have their illusion.


What does that make him?

Femme Fatale

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
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Location: HvCFT Ishtar

This is why I serve the Machines...





Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 4367
Location: Syntax Server Organization: EPN Faction: E Pluribus Neo HvCFT: Anderson's Heart

A Cypherite is someone who follows the ideals of Cypher and wants to return back to the System

EPN is a group deticated to Neo and what he did.

(for more info id look around as a more descripted definition of each tends to very and start conflict)

As for servering the machines. My own machinest toon feels that he owes them. After all humans are no longer born but created artificaly to suply the matrix with power. he feels that sence they gave him life the least he could have done was stayed asleep. yet fate took a turn and freed him. how to make up for that he works for the machines in an effort to keep the system under control and everyone safe.

Another more "Zion" way to look at it is that machinest are just covering there butts incase the truce falls.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Nov 17, 2005
Messages: 5142
Location: Germany

hmm.  You have thrown a couple new terms in that I am not familiar with.  What are cypherites and EPN?

Two sub-organizations.

EPN, the abbreviation for E Pluribus Neo, is a renegade organization descent from Zion, primarily built upon their belief in Neo and fulfilling his *putative* aims, such as freeing the whole humanity from the Matrix.
This group is led by the Kid and Shimada.
The split occured somewhere in chapter 4 (or 3?).

The Cypherites, formerly known as the "Masked", popped up somewhere in the first chapter. While I'm not familiar with their origin or their motives/activities back then, nowadays, it's an organization led by Cryptos and Veil, believing in the System and the faked life in the Matrix, and despising life in the Real.
Their aims are to put everyone including themselves back into the Matrix.

Cypherites and EPN are archenemies.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 3, 2006
Messages: 17

Upon watching the first matrix again I am going duh over the Cypherite reference SMILEY  I don't know how I missed that.  I would arue that he was sort of a precursor to the machinists.   His motivation aside he was serving the machines.  He was also a nut but thats besdies the point.

I still need to look up info on the E Pluribus Neo deal.   For now, In the intrest of my friends and I getting a crew together,  I've latched onto Zion.  I figured they freed him so right now he so finding comfort in assosiating them because he knows them (sorta)  Later I can switch to whatever.


What cypher believed is actually close to what I think my character would believe.  The only difference is he wouldnt betray people like that.  He would just see to it that no one else had to be removed.  I can see a path in the near future where My character could see Zion as forceing people to be red pills simply by giving them a choice.  After all.  Who would take the blue pill when given the choice?  Curiosity alone...

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 3212
Location: Norway

Inquizitor wrote:

I was trying to think back to the movies where a redpill served the machines interest.  I can't think of any but my memory of the second two movies is somewhat hazy.

Dudedudedude...What about Cypher? He made a deal with Smith when he was an agent working for the machines.

Ooooh i remember it like i saw it yesterday. Wait, i did.

"So we have a deal Mr. Reagen?"

"I don't wanna remember anything. You hear? Anything!".

"I want the access keys to Zion."

"I told you, i don't have them. But i can bring you the man who does."


I really gotta stop watching the movies over and over again....


MC Photographer

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 3656

I work For The machines for the Reasons that i wanna Show that obivously That with the Truce humans/machines can work togethrr and belived  that is the best way to work for the truce.

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