NightTrace wrote:To show that you are ready to live by the words of the long dead broker of the Truce, the man whose actions resulted you being awakand, and alive?Random acts of Violence.The "leaders" of EPN, sicken me.I rather doubt that YOU haven't commited random acts of violence to begin with, like 99% of the rest of the redpill population.Those of you who are without sin, throw the first stone, no? You be sick of yourself then, no?
To show that you are ready to live by the words of the long dead broker of the Truce, the man whose actions resulted you being awakand, and alive?Random acts of Violence.The "leaders" of EPN, sicken me.
Shi+Xin+Feng wrote:Is this "policy change" sanctioned by Michael?We were always under the impression that if you had a strong enough belief in Neo and what he was trying to do for Peace, you were EPN.Now there is an . . . application process?Hmm. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I think of the Kid's followers as those who were going to follow Morpheus anyways. There's a number of Redpills, such as Morpheus, who were declared enemies of Zion because of the fact that they jeopardized peace with their avid code-bombing routines. Any E Pluribus Neo who is not aware of this is surely driven by ulterior motives and using their affiliation as a temporary vessel for violence against the Machines (and bluepills) or misguided by their choice in organization.Michael has ridden the coat-tails of his savior for a long time. I find his Redpill handle to be fitting of his immature characteristics. Leadership skills? Pfft.(( Morpheus continued to fight the Machines despite all that Neo accomplished. He had a prejudice for them that would not end. He constantly found reasons to keep fighting. It's funny that the General created a simulacrum for Morpheus. I find that they have a lot in common, being soldiers without a war. Now we have war once again, though. I expect that we must not blame all of Zion for it, though. Kid was going down that route anyhow. ))
Is this "policy change" sanctioned by Michael?We were always under the impression that if you had a strong enough belief in Neo and what he was trying to do for Peace, you were EPN.Now there is an . . . application process?Hmm. I'm not sure how I feel about that.
Is this "policy change" sanctioned by Michael?
We were always under the impression that if you had a strong enough belief in Neo and what he was trying to do for Peace, you were EPN.
Now there is an . . . application process?
Hmm. I'm not sure how I feel about that.
Perhaps that is true to an extent. But certainly, not all of us who follow Morpheus are in EPN quite obviously.
Although we sympathize with some of their goals, the mature and decisive leadership of Niobe and Ghost (not to mention loyalties that run deep), will always keep my faction Zion.
I can't really say that I don't agree with this "policy". At the very least EPN is trying to implement standards they obviously didn't have before given the current body.
((/target roukan /jab /jab /jab))