MarsNova wrote:
I'm lazy. Summarize long post!
It was sent out in a newsletter. Basically, it's an RP story set in the game's universe that one of the devs wrote up. It was actually pretty nicely written.
Fen wrote:
MarsNova wrote:I'm lazy. Summarize long post!It was sent out in a newsletter. Basically, it's an RP story set in the game's universe that one of the devs wrote up. It was actually pretty nicely written.
So this game doesnt have elves and goblins and is set in the future with guns and things like that?Is it RP drven or PvP? I just play MxO for the PvP mainly. I got no clue where the story is in MxO besides some wire people and purple people came from some where and did some things. I am lookin for a new MMO but I really dont like elves and goblins. Thats what got me with MxO. I like the guns. Some one needs to make a ShadowRun MMO. That game was awesome on SNES.
Fen wrote:MarsNova wrote:I'm lazy. Summarize long post!It was sent out in a newsletter. Basically, it's an RP story set in the game's universe that one of the devs wrote up. It was actually pretty nicely written.So this game doesnt have elves and goblins and is set in the future with guns and things like that?Is it RP drven or PvP? I just play MxO for the PvP mainly. I got no clue where the story is in MxO besides some wire people and purple people came from some where and did some things. I am lookin for a new MMO but I really dont like elves and goblins. Thats what got me with MxO. I like the guns. Some one needs to make a ShadowRun MMO. That game was awesome on SNES.
To the best of my knowledge, there are no elves and goblins (which Shadowrun had, btw ). It's set in futuristic earth. I honestly think this game will be more focused towards PvP, with areas that you and your guild will take control of and fight over against other guilds. Seems more like an FPS than a MMO, tbh. You should go to their website and look at the video they have posted... seems like it'll be pretty fast paced and exciting.
MarsNova wrote:Fen wrote:MarsNova wrote:I'm lazy. Summarize long post!It was sent out in a newsletter. Basically, it's an RP story set in the game's universe that one of the devs wrote up. It was actually pretty nicely written.So this game doesnt have elves and goblins and is set in the future with guns and things like that?Is it RP drven or PvP? I just play MxO for the PvP mainly. I got no clue where the story is in MxO besides some wire people and purple people came from some where and did some things. I am lookin for a new MMO but I really dont like elves and goblins. Thats what got me with MxO. I like the guns. Some one needs to make a ShadowRun MMO. That game was awesome on SNES.To the best of my knowledge, there are no elves and goblins (which Shadowrun had, btw ). It's set in futuristic earth. I honestly think this game will be more focused towards PvP, with areas that you and your guild will take control of and fight over against other guilds. Seems more like an FPS than a MMO, tbh. You should go to their website and look at the video they have posted... seems like it'll be pretty fast paced and exciting.
Oh yea it did have Orcs in Shadow run for SNES. I forgot. Its been a while since I played that game. I just dont like Lord of the Ring type games. I.E. WoW (yes I've tried it and it sucks), WarHammer ect ect.
Hmm.....Intersting. Might be something i might wanna check out.
Well i tried to register but the site wouldnt accept my DXDIAG file. sent an email regarding it. Hopefully i can hear something back by monday or so.
Registered, But it didnt let me use ur code Mantra.
That's cuz it's all used up. I think I got one when I registered, but I can't remember how to pull it up again.
byond wrote:
Hmm.....Intersting. Might be something i might wanna check out. Well i tried to register but the site wouldnt accept my DXDIAG file. sent an email regarding it. Hopefully i can hear something back by monday or so.
Make sure you're saving the dxdiag as an xml file, not a txt.
byond wrote:Hmm.....Intersting. Might be something i might wanna check out. Well i tried to register but the site wouldnt accept my DXDIAG file. sent an email regarding it. Hopefully i can hear something back by monday or so.Make sure you're saving the dxdiag as an xml file, not a txt.
Yea to my surprise i got an email back pretty quick. Figured out the issue. I wasnt saving the file right. I nvr knew there was an xml save option lol.
Global Agenda: No Elves Campaign
I've totally forgotten about the agency since the Global Agenda looks so much better already. (Agency = SOE) = (FAIL)
mantra777 wrote:
Global Agenda: No Elves CampaignI LOL!
I've been on "no elves" supporter for years, and that vid sold me more for this game more than any trailer could do xD
Global Agenda reminds me of RF Online too much and that was pure fail.
Play APB
flecky wrote:
Global Agenda reminds me of RF Online too much and that was pure fail.Play APB
Ab. So. Lootely. ATB FTMFW.