I'm by no means a great writer, or able to give advice from a position of authority. All I can suggest is that you don't try too hard, and don't write anything down until you see most of the picture in your head beforehand. Once you see it in your head, get it down on paper immediately whilst it's fresh.
My eight chapters of Memories.Dreams.Addictions came from just one simple idea I had of a waitress as I was just sat, reading in a coffee shop. I asked someone behind the counter for a pen, 'liberated' a few pages from one of their newspapers and furiously scrawled it all down whilst it was new. What followed turned out to be three of the first four chapters, and what I learned from that was the vast importance of getting it all down quickly. I wrote all the dialogue between ex and the priest in that sudden creative burst, and didn't change a thing later on. Whether or not that's a good thing is debateable, but what was striking was the fluidity with which dialogue etc came to me. Hence the importance of grabbing that pen/keyboard immediately. I wasn't thinking whilst confronted with the dreaded blank page, I was just transferring the story to another medium.
I whole-heartedly believe that if it's gonna come, it will eventually. Once it does however, you better be ready. Hopefully once you record it, it turns out to be a great idea and something you can run with.
I actually still have a couple of the original pages, augmented to disguise the creative process
My overall point is that you can't rush what hopefully turns out to be inspiration. If you try to force it, you may come up with something, but it won't represent your true potential. I didn't have any ideas for months, then I stopped PvP'ing for a while and it cleared the path so to speak. Distractions are a terrible source of procrastination.
I hope this was even the slightest bit helpful. Everyone's different, so the process may be nothing like mine, so this was far from gospel.
I hope that big idea hits you soon, Oranos.