I said I would never do this, but, it's now pointless to play this game, 90% of all my friends have left and they were the real reason why I kept playin, not for content, not for story, not for pvp, for the community. But like I said that's really all in the past and I think it's time for me to move on.
This game has had a huge infulence on my life over the past 4 years, I've had my ups, downs, took a few vacations to get my life right in rl, but now I think that MxO has nothing more to really offer me, plus, all the negativity on these boards really brings me down, and I said I would never quit this game, but there is alot more better things I can do with my time and money then playing a game that wont go anywhere ever, So I'm canceling my sub today and I wont be jacking back in. Which I'm sure will make a few people happy, including myself...
If this game ever does come back from the grave, I will return, but I don't see that happening anytime soon, so I'll take my leave for now, I wish you all the best of luck, I wish MxO a better future, like I always have, and one more thing...
No, no one can have my stuff...
4 years and still sexy, 4 years and I've grown alot, 4 years to kill mxo, yet it's still runnin, keep it alive everyone, don't give up, and this isn't me quiting or giving up, I just have alot going on in rl to worry about a game, it's just one less thing to think about.
Take care everyone, I wish you all the best of luck in bringin this game back from the grave.
OH noes! no more awesome idea topics!?!!?
Zeac wrote:
Awwwww, shame to see go but I wish you the best in RL. take care!
Practice what you preach.
you'll be missed till you resub
take care!
Take care...Peace!
Skull101 wrote:
'cept for me! Kekeke
GL out there, skull
Take care
so now leaving messages belong in off topic? geeze the mods are sure being a lil stiff latley
nubious81 wrote:
Take care so now leaving messages belong in off topic? geeze the mods are sure being a lil stiff latley
Virrago threw that curve ball at us 'bout a month back.
Noooes whose going to be my ez cq now?!!!
How can a leaving thread be off topic. Players quitting is the only news this game has left.
I hardly call that "news." More like, "cliches." Quitting and leaving a thread behind to show it is just so unoriginal (says the squirrel who has two). Why not a big post filled with a seemingly innocent topic and then putting in as a side note: "Oh, yeah, I just quit MxO, seeya?"
Skull, Skull, Skull....*sigh......
You'll be back.......
Teh Matrix Haz Joo!!! *says the guy who is still here after 4.5 yrs but only jacks in 2x a week :*/