Rumor has it that Ethereal 2 left the damp confines of his Rawlins Corner dungeon for a midnight trek across Richland. He is said to have passed through the district nearly unobserved before losing what small pursuit he had gathered by hopping the subway out of Tabor Park.
No reports of unusual subway passengers have been found; perhaps, as far as subway denizens go, he was not too far out of the ordinary as to appearance. His purpose, and final destination, remain a mystery. We can count it as a certainty, however, that he did not have the interests of the surface-dwellers in his transparent mind.
((That was me in the white, by the way.)) Weird that it decided to go running around on the Anniversary of the Assasin's death... coincidence? One can only wonder.
Heh. Fun.
It should be noted that the person in the background in the last picture is Anome. I noticed them both when I used the /who command in Creston Heights.
Le Zomg. I wonder if his name is Spock.