Name of Event: Megacity - The Detective Stories (Next Chapter - TBA)
Who: The Creators That Brought You Murder On The Docks Trilogy
PvP - If any player sees any of the 3 characters flagged they may Help the characters fight off hostiles and recieve a certain amount of info (details posted on rules) per person for every fight. If they see the 3 characters and decide to be hostile and fight the characters they will recieve a certain amount of info (details posted on rules) per person for every fight.
RP - Players will be asked to join in the story of the event. A player will be asked to hold a story item for one of the 3 characters that they need to proceed to the next part of the story. Other players will be asked to join the characters in thier search for the story item and complete the mission. All players will be given a prize for helping, but if the players would like to get a better prize they may ask for the story item of that day and can trade it to the event collector that will be located at the Government Building in Downtown.
Server: Recursion
Where: Event will take place everywhere and anywhere in Megacity. The Messenger will find players and ask them to join. There is no meeting spot or certain place to be. You may have a higher chance of getting chosen if you are near a hardline.
When: TBA
Main Site: www.geocities.com/detplumstories
Megacity News Updates: /radio play http://lordsradio.serverroom.us:6146
Story Updates: http://forums.station.sony.com/mxo/..._id=36300025911

"He will pay for what he has done...." -Unknown

Mysterious writing was spotted around Megacity. No witnesses were found...

Intense power surges were discovered in the system. No witnesses found.

Now open for business.

Security and Exile programs have been hit. Keep on the lookout and watch your back.

Agent was sent to a location that had high intense power surge. Death was caused by unknown suspects.

Exile hideout was hit and then hacked into a unknown mainframe. Suspects are still on the loose.

Searching for RSI...
RSI Found...
Reconstruction in Progress...

There is a lookout for a bluepill doctor.

Searching for RSI...
Dr. Buckley found...
Likes to hang out at Discount Books.