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Data Mining silliness...
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Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 6

put this in another thread, but i thought it deserved its own.  even though data miner doesn't appear to be all that well thought of.  *shrug*


see, i always though the data miner should actually mine data from... data sources.  you know, like computers and cables and such.

locate data node would light up a box on the side of a building (you see them everywhere) you'd walk over, hook your data tap to it, and start downloading.  or in a mission, one of those computers that are everywhere.  walk over, hook up your tap, download away.  i know the matrix is all just code, but i'd like it a lot better if i were hooking into something and not just pulling it out of the air.

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 134

That's actually the whole point as it was originally described (no way to pull up the posts since they died with the beta boards).


The nodes were supposed to be similar to memory leaks.  Invisible to the naked eye but clearly visible with the appropriate goggles.  Basically a screw up in the way the code was "sewn" together.


The risks were supposed to be high and so were the rewards.  Neither has come to fruition as far as I've seen.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 6

i get that, but why wouldn't a "data leak" be perceived by humans jacked in as an unsecured terminal or a box on a data line?  everything in the world is code, even mistakes, and its all perceived under human terms, so i figure a leak should be perceived on human terms as well.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 741
Location: Machine Communications Relay Platform

In all honesty, a data node should be visible with or without the goggles.

The difference is that without goggles, they are just small distortions, or a cloud, or some random "glitch" that just doesn't make any sence there.  Pop on the goggles, and bam, you see the rift in the code.  The goggles also let you see the nature of the glitch so that you can exploit it with your tapping tools.

Think along the lines of the Animatrix short with the freaky "haunted" house.

The nodes should spawn in areas that are "stressed" or unusual in the first place.  Create a predictable locations that are hard to get out of.  This way the risks get higher, and the rewards can get beefed up to something at least somewhat reasonable.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 6

does it say its a flaw or rift in the matrix?  i thought the description just said it was a place where code converged for some reason or another.  y'know, the definition of "node" and all that...



  1. A knob, knot, protuberance, or swelling.

    1. Botany. The point on a stem where a leaf is attached or has been attached; a joint.

    2. See knot1.

  2. Physics. A point or region of virtually zero amplitude in a periodic system.

  3. Mathematics. The point at which a continuous curve crosses itself.

  4. Computer Science. A terminal in a computer network.

  5. Astronomy.

    1. Either of two diametrically opposite points at which the orbit of a planet intersects the ecliptic.

    2. Either of two points at which the orbit of a satellite intersects the orbital plane of a planet.

i figure 1 and 5 are most appropriate.  and if you put them together, it would be a terminal in the network where the code "swells".  i never really thought of them as a "tear" or "rift"

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1074
Location: Tha Intrawebz

One thing I would like to see is strange occurances near Data Nodes, as
suggested earlier (Like in the Haunted House). Perhaps have gravity
even reverse itself near the ginormous(made up word) ones.

Mainframe Invader

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 379

Lots of good ideas!  Though I do like Data Leaks appearing in the
middle of traffic.  That would explain all the mysterious
slowdowns on the highway.  People are slowing down to tap for
$Info... heh. 

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