Message Edited by Cal on 03-19-200601:19 AM
Message Edited by The_Wendigo on 03-19-200609:34 AM
MrMagno wrote:Well If what balance does it offer to the hackers when there are anti pills to stop purple effects that you can constantly pop one after the other with a very short reuse timer which makes the despoiler tree and every other downgrade ineffective, along with an automatic stun immunity after you get stunned or pacified "PLUS" an activity facilitator that sweeps for at least 10 mins? When doing boxes, more hackers are called hands down then MA's...why? Because hackers can bend more rules of the matrix. Neo=Hacker, Morpheus=Hacker, Trinity=Hacker, ect. ect. I mean why guys get bullet time!
Translated this means:
"I play as an hacker so I don't care about balance, I just want h4x0rZ to pwn MAs both where hackers are supposed to be good and where they are not supposed to!"
"I play as an hacker so I don't care about balance, I just want h4x0rZ to pwn MAs both where hackers are supposed to be good and where they are not supposed to!":smileyvery-happy:
I could care less about hackers not being good in interlock, I'd just like the anti's to have a decent reuse timer like the activity facilitators. And as far as your translation.....I play Hacker/MA so it I don't care about getting in interlock as a matter of fact I want it....but by the time my free attack does 2600dmg I can garuantee that once I bust "YOUR" evade shield, you'll be the one spamming your roll out icon!
Message Edited by MrMagno on 03-20-200606:38 AM