I'd much rather the old masks were offered as vendor loot (ie for sale to players) then being loot drops again. A lot of us do still have them, and others lost them due to no fault of their own. Making the latter have to hunt for the masks again isn't a very nice thing to do. For the former if you're offering up new masks as well (and to be honest, you should be) then making those players have to go through all the old ones again is fairly off-putting). Good to hear it'll be two weeks long though =D
"boomstick"? Its zombies. Has to be!
Sorry for the idiot question... But what's that ? Boomstick ?
I thought it was broomstick too I don't think I have ever heard of that or that movie before :O Witches halloweens broomsticks.. it made sense in my head!
I am already happy just knowing that everything will be back from last year because I never wanted last year to end Now that there will be even more I am too excited =)