Few years ago, a user posted some weird (OOC) encounter in the game, where some guy talked big about how the official story sucked, and he was just a wheel in a huge machinery which would "overthrow the system" and impose their own ideas on the community, some kind of storyline with player involvement etc.
Then, the same guy appeared on the forums, and started talking EVEN BIGGER in an EXTREEEEEEMELY sophisticated language, a.o. saying things like "there are things going on in the undeground and there's nothing you can do about it", and referring to each post by its time and date.
A while after, some internet ads / website about "The Third Renaissance" started to appear, and later on, this group apparently organized some kind of player events inside the game.
A player called "stewart daniels" speculated about a connection between that and that "big shot" player from before.
Anyway, I've never got what that all was about, and didn't have the possibility or time to find out, either.
Anything come to surface since then? Anyone wishing to drop the veil, now that it's all over?