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Restricted Zone Question
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Joined: Mar 19, 2008
Messages: 3

I played beta and about 1-2 months after it was release.  Station Pass allows me shelve games and come back to them.  So now I'm back and have some questions.

I understand that the restricted access zones, you have to hack the node with the appropriate key.

What I don't understand, why are agents still killing me?

Makes lvling or following the quest lines hard when agents just appear
when your locked in battle and kill you off and loose all the bits
you collected.

I thought once you hacked the node you are able to continue to play
like in Richland?

Input is greatly appreciated.  Thanks

Jacked Out

Joined: Apr 3, 2006
Messages: 1568

Each district you have to tag the node for. When you enter a new district, look to see if it says "restricted" above and below the name of whatever district you're entering, and you'll know if you should expect Agents.

Also, if you're Zion you have a chance of getting a level 100 Agent spawned on you outside of richland, although that's normally only when you come out of a Hardline.

MC Photographer

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Location: Syntax

If you work with the Machines, you don't get attacked if you've hacked the nodes... if you work for Zion, however, you will get attacked even if you do have the nodes hacked.  The only difference is you'll be attacked by lower level Agents (100 as opposed to 255) that can be killed with a concerted team effort. 

This change is because the Truce has fallen and the Machines and Zion are once again at war.  It is, however, a contentious change seeing as how there really isn't a similar "penalty" to balance things on the Machinist side... it fits well with the story but, as you have noticed, can have a detrimental effect on the gameplay side of things.

.. of course, if you are working with the Machines and this is still happening then I guess you're just really unlucky. hehe


Joined: Mar 19, 2008
Messages: 3

Yes I have unlocked and tag multiple nodes, been following a list of nodes and keys.

This happened in Gracy Heights.  During the day I tag the node there.
In the evening I went looking for Hardhat McCoy Exile that carries key for Guinness Lake.
I would pull some of the mob members away to a safe area to fight.
The mob had 4 members, 2 members ^, 1 ^^ and boss ^^^.
Manage to pull all 2 ^, away and kill them, I sat in the safe area to recover
HP and IS.  Pulled ^^ and boss, after I killed the ^^, started to engage
the boss, when a Agent appeared and killed me.

I had to come back and kill him, lucky he dropped the key at first time I killed him,
but after that I have not gone to Westview much, now that I'm lvl 19, I finished
all the local contacts in Richland so need to move forward, but don't want just
to be killed by Agents when part of the game is killing gang exiles.

Is this normal?


Joined: Mar 19, 2008
Messages: 3

So it depends on the faction, so being aligned with Zion causes for Agents to attack you even if you tagged the node?

I've read people that came back and have asked about factions, and the replies I seen
all said it matter of taste that all 3 are the same, you get the same gear and abilities.

Some how my original character ended up in hostile server, so started fresh, and since we
get 3 character slots, I figured I create one for each faction and started with Zion.

So I should expect Agents attacking me in the zones I tagged the nodes with since I'm aligned with Zion?

Fansite Operator

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Basically there are two sets of spawns, a lv255 version which is tied into the access node system and applies to everyone then a lv100 version that only applies to Zion and is isn't influenced by the access node system.

Luckily, unlike the lv255s, the lv100s are quite easy to avoid with a well timed hyper jump while the lv255s keep following you until you get out of the restricted zone or... well... die. lol.

Femme Fatale

Joined: Nov 29, 2006
Messages: 232

As above with a few additions...

lvl255 agents will always be "named", such as Agent Brown, or Agent Jones.

lvl100 agents will just say Agent

and yes, the key here is that you can just HJ straight up, and a lvl100 agent will dissapear, tho they will continue to reappear periodically as long as you are in any District other than Richland.


The thing i dont get is.... why don't they spawn for Merv's? There has never been a Truce between the Machines and Merovingian, so why don't their operatives spawn lvl100's? Or do they and i just don't know it? In fact, it seems like they should have all along, realistically. Anyway, there I go again looking for logic in the workings of this game....


Joined: Aug 16, 2006
Messages: 277

the good news is that if you hyperjump (even straight up) the agents lose interest and disappear. so unless you are in IL in battle you can escape them VERY easily. 


Matriculated Mind

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psilody wrote:


The thing i dont get is.... why don't they spawn for Merv's? There has never been a Truce between the Machines and Merovingian, so why don't their operatives spawn lvl100's? Or do they and i just don't know it? In fact, it seems like they should have all along, realistically. Anyway, there I go again looking for logic in the workings of this game....


They should attack Mervs now as in one of the last updates it was made so agents are now machine aligned. Meaning that if you arent machine you might get jumped.

Side Note: 

Agents do get annoying but just always keep HJ loaded and you should be ok. And watch your agent meter and messages. They alert you when a agent is closing in on ya.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 18, 2005
Messages: 325
Location: Stratford Campus

Another quick addition I found about the "Agent" v.s. Agent *Name*
When the Agents with names come after you you will always have about 2 seconds to see a civilian spawn until they attack you.

Jacked Out

Joined: Feb 21, 2008
Messages: 97

Vtech01 wrote:
Another quick addition I found about the "Agent" v.s. Agent *Name*
When the Agents with names come after you you will always have about 2 seconds to see a civilian spawn until they attack you.

but for me agents and agentsname show up in im missionsi got use to it

Message edited by nightofcrow on 06/23/2008 16:05:21.

Jacked Out

Joined: Dec 27, 2006
Messages: 6256
Location: The Real World This is how MxO ends: Not with a bang but a whimper

The lvl 100 Agents do not spawn indoors, whilst the Node Agents do if you haven't tagged the appropriate node. So indoors while on a mission you are safe unless you havent tagged the area's node, ha or unless you spend too long in the mission area!

You'll find that in LE's when indoors those who get killed by Agents are those that haven't been bothered in tagging the nodes (or are not at a high enough level to get the access key)

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