Fighting mobs is a good way to gain XP, get the collector items and explore the world however you may find yourself moving on to higher level mobs quicker than your level character can handle.
Standard missions are quite repetative (although there are different mission types available) but Archived missions, missions that were once critical storyline missions and are now saved as tokens in Org bookshops, present an engaging storyline and large XP with NPC's always scaled to 1 level above yours. As well as Large XP and decent info per mission, you can trade mission completion tokens in certain groups for Org clothing or chapter visual fx (for example green drippy code eyes for completing all three orgs chapter 5 missions). Another benefit is that your Org reputation isn't affected by archived missions so you can do all three orgs and see who had what effect on the story.
However, I know you said you didn't want to get drawn into missions and miss out on stuff, so just be aware that you are under no obligation to continue the missions so you can stop at any time and explore some more!
Good luck in the world
Thats some great advice, thanks.
Im guessing youre referring to the missions you can buy into from the bookstore NPC's?
Also I found a collector that grants the mobious code, that should come in handy
Im guessing youre referring to the missions you can buy into from the bookstore NPC's?Also I found a collector that grants the mobious code, that should come in handy
Thats right, the mission tokens from the bookstore NPC's. The Mobius code can come in handy in a fight and doesn't take up any memory like Hyperjump Beta (also available from Doc Martin) however the gum you have to trade for these abilities can only be farmed in the Datamine construct from SSR security of equal or higher level then yourself. (There may be a few sticks of gum on the marketplace but only if you're lucky)
Bear in mind though that the difficulty is increased because not only are you flagged as hostile to players from opposite Orgs, you are flagged as hostile to your own side as well so watch your back. Datamine is usually fairly quiet now that the rush for the items has come and gone but a regular /who will let you know who is in the area. Most people will just be datamining or farming for the items but ther are some that go in to hunt others down regardless of Org.
Vincent, don't delete your vector char (if you haven't already.) Get use to the combat system then jump over to the real server
Cyber has a character over there and is currently leveling up.
Does most populated necessarly mean better???
and atm i'd say its Syntax, Vector, Recursion population wise.
Vincent, don't delete your vector char (if you haven't already.) Get use to the combat system then jump over to the real server Cyber has a character over there and is currently leveling up.Does most populated necessarly mean better???and atm i'd say its Syntax, Vector, Recursion population wise.
Nuff said. We may not be as busy but Vector has the spontanious feel of the Matrix, Dog eat dog lmao
Get yo as* on vector for pvp.
Recursion/Syntax for bedtime stories or better events heh