Hope everyone's new years is starting off smoothly. In with a humble request for a possible sig/av/random art regarding a young, ambitious Exile, is Riuyan, former beta player. (After all this time I finally have a PC that can handle the game! XD)
Ok, before I go off the deep end in his "story", I'll do a little abridging of his appearance.
Name/Title: Riuyan (ree'-yoo yahn)
Species: Program/Exile
Sex: Apparently Male
Age: ?
Body Type: Male 2
Height: 6' 1"
Skin: Caucasian, Slight Tan, black winding asian dragon tattoo sprawling from arm to arm across back
Hair: Medium/Short, Straight Rich Blonde, dark under-layer, 5 o'clock shadow
Eyes: Glassy Blue/Green w/ faint White code shimmer
Mood: Stoic/Sultry/Karate-Speed/Power, left hand in pocket
Expression: Sly, Confident Smirk/Raised Left Brow | Wild, Violent Grin
Clothing: No Hat - No Glasses/Masks - No Gloves
Black Leather Sleevless Vest - Longsleeve Black Leather Under-Armor Padding
Black Leather Biker Jeans - Black Leather Driving Gloves - Black Combat Boots
But as they say.. a picture is worth a thousand words. And in this case, I have a CG concept base, as well as the in-game character (though without prefered clothing.. I'll work on that):

::I'MAPLACEHOLDER:: (Still need to go snag the player pics.. and dangit, this pic is mirrored! >: /)
- DISCLAIMER - Bookoo grammar/sentence structure/etc. errors ahead!
So.. Riu. "Loyalty Program," though beyond that, clueless for story.. basically he takes on the role of guardian to whatever source he's "bound" to.. you can compare him to your typical dog, excepting the fact that, no matter what, if he's actually bound to something, he cannot resist it.. meaning that if he were commanded to, he'd go as far as sacrificing himself (and possibly many others) for whatever purpose the command was issued. For one reason or another his previous source was deleted, but his code was lost in the mix. Now unbound, all he can do in the mean time of finding a new source is simply focus on self-improvement.
(Note: For those familiar with a certain KoF fighter named Yamazaki, this character is strongly inspired by them.)
One of his trademarks, a now common quirk, is (typically) keeping his dominant (right) hand in his pocket, or if he later intends to use it, behind his back, even while fighting (I can't for the life of me, find a title for this "style"). This act represents many things about him and directly to opponents:
1. At some point in his existence, he has adopted the mindset that the particular strand of code contained within that fist was responsible for its use outrightly killing a few victims upon contact. Though in reality this is untrue, he refrains from using it unless the situation permits a fatality.
2. Psychologically impacting: a symbol or display of strength can often times go further than its direct application. The simple fact he is confident enough to exclude a portion of his strength has defused more than a few situations.
3. For those aware, while his right hand is concealed, he has no intention of killing. Behind the back displays the possibility, while at the ready is full intent.
Previous loss of close sources has potentially begun a slow, yet steady degridation of his processing and reasoning routines, the affect of which could be compared with the creeping onset of insanity. While even at his "worst" he does not display such extremes that would threaten innocents, he can at times become short-sighted when distressed (or typically when faced with formidable opponents). At times, gentle and benevolent. Others, loud and outspoken, while unforgivingly blunt. In most cases, even with a potentially abusive source, he tends to favor them, not out of duty or respect, but just out of passive habit. While his original program was meant as guardian to a source code, the title has been granted to Exiles and even red and blue pills. The actual process of becoming his source is unknown, though it apparently is tied to frequent and close interaction (though there have been exceptions in which his base coding has been hacked and forced; to this day he remains uniquely sucseptible to hacking assaults).
Aside from determined and potential sources, Riu's allegiance is firmly rooted in self-preservation and personal gains (but not necessarily at the cost of innocents.. his mannerisms regarding this are uniquely human, potentially residual adaptation to exposure with human nature). He very strictly views the collective goals of any one "side" to truly be in favor of the few, rather than the many.. and in that regard, the Merovingian excel. With their resources and his individuality he is able to operate with as little moderation as possible.
. . . Ok, in dire need of some touching up, but it's a work in progress... Also, if any Merv crews happen to be in dire need of more recruits, for now I've got Guardian Patcher up pretty decently (still lv15 though).