NeoVII wrote:
So it's good then, heard it was getting mixed reviews so I'll have to check it out. EZTV FTW!! *whispers* ---->and sometimes VTV
Yes, but it is sequential so I recommend seeing the series in order.
Villemar_MxO wrote:
NeoVII wrote:So it's good then, heard it was getting mixed reviews so I'll have to check it out. EZTV FTW!! *whispers* ---->and sometimes VTVYes, but it is sequential so I recommend seeing the series in order.
Just finally got cuaght up on the 2 past episodes... This show is on the up and up if you ask me. Keeps getting better. The only parts that bother me are pretty much every scene with Riley in it... but I know there is a good reason behind it (just wish theyd get to the point already in that area) The scene with Jon Henry playing with toys is amazing, and personaly the entire story of Sarah trying to get the bullet out, with Kyle Reese being there the entire time was great. I love when they play homage to the movies like that. Also the cameo of Connor Trinneer was cool, seeing that I'm a big star trek fan.
Derek keeps being badass, John is still a big puss, but getting better, Cameron is still akwardly funny and cool at the same time, Sarah is still just a stone cold bi... err... badass.
Somthing else I think gets overlooked on this show, I belive it has some of the best music/score of any TV series I have ever seen. Not just in the credits, but the editing during the show, and music just keeps me so sucked in, its wonderful. I really think this show is Top Notch in most areas.
One last thing about the last episode... *spoiler alert*
When Sarah and the kidnapped doctor are in the motel room, sarah is passed out dreaming of talking to Kyle Reese, and she says "This is gonna kill me" or somthing along those lines, then Kyle says "Wouldnt be the 1st time" then Sarah wakes up screaming "REESE!" I wonder is there is more to that. Its kinda strange what Kyle said to her, implying that she had died once before. Just thought I'd point that out.
god freakin dangit!!!!!
if you watched tonights episode you know exactly why im pissed... but at the same time... such a good episode....
imax wrote:
god freakin dangit!!!!! if you watched tonights episode you know exactly why im pissed... but at the same time... such a good episode.... but...but... GOD FREAKING DANGIT!!!! /crossarms hmmph
Haha just watched tonights episode on the West Coast and I see you beat me to it here...
That was pretty frikken stunning what happened...I mean some bad things happened to some characters I never liked, and then something bad happens to a character I do like...just like that.
HOWEVER one helluva buildup for the season finale next week....finally the world of John & Sarah Connor collides with the world of Miss Weaver, Ellison and John Henry! Exteremely interesting....!
Epic episode.
As far as... him... yeah... honestly not sure what to say, other than it needed to happen. Don't get me wrong... I didn't want it to happen... but I can see why it needed to happen.
I feel the same way, Imax!
no epic death scene just boom headshot thats how key characters should die
dont forget! Season Finale tonight!
holy shi...
Hey I download these so i'm behind. Don't ruin it but ya the headshot from the other episode.... lame.
I think my head just exploded.
Loved that last ep!
imax wrote:holy shi...I think my head just exploded.
Agreed. That was a very clever episode. Lots of little twists.
I hope they sign another season. I can only imagine what happens next.
Garu wrote:
Villemar_MxO wrote:imax wrote:holy shi...I think my head just exploded.Agreed. That was a very clever episode. Lots of little twists. I hope they sign another season. I can only imagine what happens next.
Yes! That last one really raised so many more questions and possibilities. I almost want to watch Season Two again knowing what I know now. Especially in regards to Ms. Weaver. That show is very thoughtful and well written. If they do try to cancel it I hope fans will band together and lobby to get it back on air, even if it is on another network.
BTW that's a test of if a movie or especially a television show is really good or not...after having seen the movie or series, do I still think about it afterwards? Yes IMHO this one does. This one makes the grade (and I'm very jaded, I might have seen about 10,000 movies over the course of a lifetime and who knows how many television shows, so a lot of movies and shows just are enjoyable while I watch them but I've already forgotten them very soon afterwards).
I've avoided reading this thread so I wasn't spoiled. Having seen the fourth movie and as I'm now lacking in a regular TV series to keep track of (Lost, Heroes and Fringe have finished for the moment) I'm going to catch up with the series. Is it worth doing so?