Insertion wrote:hahaha, come and get it.
Message Edited by ReguIus on 03-10-200603:17 PM
Insertion wrote:Well, I think the two of us can agree that wasn't for assassination purposes. Dueling for the most part. If you would like to count it, then by all means do. But I was under the impression that Trucidos would try his hand at it. He should atleast make an effort.But gf Apost1e, 2 on 2 was fun. Both sides lost, and both sides won in my perspective.
Abigor666 wrote:##Incoming Images##Source: HvCFT RevenioMaskque decided to write up a little grocery list for us to go shopping with. I'm personally not sure why hes into the cheap stuff but maybe hes on a budget.They envy the distinction I have won. Now let them envy my hate and un mistakable wrath.
Well, Maskque wants to play.
Fine with me.
I love a good fight.
You got us, I'll admit.
But Maskque, what you started will be your undoing. as i said, this is war.
Apost1e wrote:It was a good fight, but dueling? Dueling? Who said anything about dueling?! I was going to count it for assassination purpose's, because you were infact assassinated. Even though the first time, Evasidos (level 47) and Mercidos (level 35) totally owned you. But then you had to bring in backup, of course. And don't feel all high and mighty next time you want to sneak around and start taunting us, perhaps things will happen as they did with me and Mercidos taking you down. But again, it was a good fight. Until Hacker had to come and spoil the fun.
bonopi wrote:man, this is great....not only have you shown that the enemy is not caring about anything but assassinating people we can actually get some work done in peace without people caring.Man, I'm really sorry to hear that all your org.'s concerned about is pvp. Cause there's a lot more out there to be concerned about especially that will hinder their future.
hey I got a great idea...seeing if you were interested in doing this...I wish I would have thought about this before you got me but oh well.How about we go to the same place and you guys kill me while I'm kneeling on the ground. I said that I was fine with you killing me and I was tired of running and was ready for the future. But to tell you employer that once I'm dead I'll be stronger than I was before. And then you kill me.I think it'd build up a great RP kind of like a movie self-sacrifice or something but then comes back stronger than before...not sure I just think it sounded cool as hell.What do you think?maybe even make a short movie out of a 15-30 minute movie.
I believe this was the PM you sent me on the boards after I received a mission from an LESIG by the name of Hagelin to take you out. Now since I agreed that it would be nice to build up role play based stories on our server I abliged when I simply couldve said the cold hard fact that I took you down without you willingly sacrificing yourself. Bonopi Ive always shown you respect Ive always respected your efforts to help cultivate an RP community on this server but let me make somthing very clear to you. If you want to take shots at the credibility of people for simply having some light hearted fun than by all means at least come up with a good reason and stop asking them for help to feed publicity to your image. If you cant think up a good reason but would still like to take this outside of the Zion vs. Cyph rivalry by attacking our credibility by makeing some fun in a not so fun game I have no shortage of resources to give you a legitimate reason to dislike our methods our people and our organization.