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 05/01/2009 01:19:00
Systemic Anomaly
Joined: Aug 22, 2005
Messages: 3269
Location: Lost in La Mancha
Starting with our first Club Hel Party in 2005, this has been an annual tradition that we shall not break as long as we are still here. And we are still here. Our Patron has generously allowed us the use of his Club for perhaps the last time. Will you come celebrate with us? When: Friday, May 8th, 4:00PM MCT (PST) Where: Club Hel, Hampton Green - *Vector Iteration* Who: All Merovingian Operatives are allowed. Do not fret if you don't have your main RSI in our organization, there are always ALTernatives. More details forthcoming.... 
 05/01/2009 03:43:22
Joined: May 17, 2006
Messages: 5109
Location: Vector-Hostile Faction: Morpheus'Legacy Organization: Zion
I'll be there..
 05/01/2009 05:10:29
Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 4565
Location: The Real
 05/01/2009 15:57:04
Ascendent Logic
Joined: Mar 28, 2006
Messages: 1602
We'll Be there.
 05/02/2009 06:52:10
Femme Fatale
Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 2195
Location: HvCFT Ishtar
How could I resist? I'll be there! Lyr
 05/04/2009 23:10:10
Systemic Anomaly
Joined: Aug 22, 2005
Messages: 3269
Location: Lost in La Mancha
Just 4 Days until the Party. Find out where that doorway leads! 
In the meantime, please let us know if you need assistance tanging the Hampton node. We dont want any pesky Agents disturbing our fun, do we? Please contact Villemar, Gretyl or Equinoriox on Vector-Hostile for assistance with this, we're more than happy to help. Sincerely, your Hosts: Villemar & Gretyl, Les Enfants Terribles. 
Message edited by Villemar_MxO on 05/04/2009 23:10:40.
 05/06/2009 00:58:35
Systemic Anomaly
Joined: Aug 22, 2005
Messages: 3269
Location: Lost in La Mancha
Less than 3 days away until le grande soire! Remember: What happens in Club Hel stays in Club Hel... 
 05/06/2009 22:06:38
Systemic Anomaly
Joined: Aug 22, 2005
Messages: 3269
Location: Lost in La Mancha
Less than two days left! Note: If you have a nub alt (I just learned this yesterday) that is unaffilliated (hasn't run Zion intro missions yet), you'll need to blast through the intro missions and do the first Merv mission to become Merv and be able to enter Club Hel. I think they changed this, I brought in a lvl 1 storage alt into my faction about a year ago without doing this, so the policy changed at some point. Just wanted to give you all a heads up. 
 05/07/2009 20:01:42
Joined: Aug 24, 2005
Messages: 1426
Location: Recursion - Seraphim M.K. II
Invite someone with 0 0 0 rep into a Merv faction, then kick. The invite will cause negative rep for Zion and Machine.
 05/07/2009 21:02:34
Systemic Anomaly
Joined: Aug 22, 2005
Messages: 3269
Location: Lost in La Mancha
LtCmdr_Tsusai wrote: Invite someone with 0 0 0 rep into a Merv faction, then kick. The invite will cause negative rep for Zion and Machine. We tried that with a 0,0,0 rep person but to no avail. Cant recruit. many max people per crew again? I might be overbooked.
 05/07/2009 21:41:28
Joined: Aug 24, 2005
Messages: 1426
Location: Recursion - Seraphim M.K. II
12...12 crewmen...ha-ha-ha
 05/07/2009 21:46:31
Systemic Anomaly
Joined: Aug 22, 2005
Messages: 3269
Location: Lost in La Mancha
LtCmdr_Tsusai wrote: 12...12 crewmen...ha-ha-ha Okies booted a few alts so I'll try your method. Although it would be a great help to us if anyone can rep themselves Merv just in case. Myself (Villemar), Gretyl and Equinoriox we be available tomorrow for your node-tagging needs. Those are our ingame Vector names so you should be good to go, just hit us up.
 05/07/2009 21:56:30
Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 3113
Location: The Saltpillar
Unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to make it since it's the last day of finals and room checkout/the RA banquet, which happens to fall at around that time. Hope it's fun for everyone who can make it, though!
 05/08/2009 09:53:17
Fansite Operator
Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 8129
Location: UK -------- Instance: Syntax --- Organisation: Zion - Faction: Omega Syndicate
Hmm... would certainly like to attend but unless you can get a lv1 n00blet in there (dont have any alts) I don't see it happening, sorry. All the best though ^_^
 05/08/2009 12:47:29
Systemic Anomaly
Joined: Aug 22, 2005
Messages: 3269
Location: Lost in La Mancha
Hope to see you all soon... 
All that remains to be done is for you to.... 