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Barthary Row wasteland corrupted...
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Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 4278

Basically, I have a level 50 character and jack in when pretty much no other players are online =( So I'm wondering, is it actually possible to solo these darn things? Are there any methods for a player forced to solo to get the level 53 corrupted to spawn away from the level 100 corruptor? What sort of abilities should I load up? (I'm usually a Karate Grandmaster with a little bit guns thrown in, so I know little about the other trees in terms of combat).

So yeah to sum up, any tips on being able to successfully solo this or am I SOL as it's bascially impossible to find a group?

Virulent Mind

Joined: Dec 19, 2005
Messages: 142

Talk to Criinge.

She has farmed countless patchers gears and such.


Joined: Oct 22, 2005
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Spawn a Corruptor, then back away and wait for the spawned Corrupted to come to you.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 4278

Spawn a Corruptor, then back away and wait for the spawned Corrupted to come to you.

Hmm, how long should it take for them to come get me? When I tried just before the servers went down, they were rather adamant about not leaving the warm protection of their big buggy friend =/

MC Photographer

Joined: May 26, 2006
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I think if you have luggables on you, it'll increase your chance of spawning.

Ascendent Logic

Joined: Aug 21, 2005
Messages: 634

The fastest way to do this is to get someone to make a low level character and help you, or to use two accounts at once.
The level 50 loads Teleport Teammember and a few offensive area hacks. Might get a few heals in there too. Don't bother with getting high level attacks or high level heals, none of that is necessary.
The low level needs to hack the Bathary Node. So do you, but I assume you already have it tagged.
I always make a new character, /suicide to log in as a level 1 and then tag the node and a hardline. I'll be level 3. The lower level your lowbie is, the easier the NPC's are to kill. I'll get to that in a second.

The Corruptor spawns every 45 minutes. To skip this, you have to teleport the lowbie around. With every teleport you have a chance to spawn the Corruptor on the lowbie. Shouldn't take more than 10 teleports, which saves you the time waiting for one to spawn.

After spawning, you and the lowbie have to get at a little distance from the Corruptor. Every minute or two minutes it attacks you and takes away 80% of your health (notice its a percentage, not an amount). Need to find the right distance, but that's not too hard to do.

Because you spawned the Corruptor with the lowbie, the NPC's will be 3 levels higher as the lowbie. Yippy, no level 53's! They're easy to kill =) The Corruptor will stay for 45 minutes.
I load area hacks because they have a longer cast timer than the Ballista hacks. If I kill the low level NPC's too quick, I have to get near the Corruptors attack range to loot them. I rather have a longer cast timer so I don't have to walk so much.

Every now and then a random spawn of level 53's will come. You can hyperjump to get rid of those. Or you can try to find the stairs that connect Bathary with Stamos. There are two of these. If you can get the Corruptor to spawn in Bathary, but stay in Stamos then these random spawn won't be bothering you. Make sure you hack the Stamos node on your account and the lowbie one.

To kill the Corruptor you need 340 frags. These can be traded for insecticide at the Fumigator. The Corruptor has 5100 health and doesn't regenerate the health it loses. Each spray of insecticide does 15 damage, regardless of your characters level.
Remember the Corruptor takes away 80% of your health every minute or so. It's therefore best to attack it with the lowbie, so you can heal it up to its max health quick. The level 50 stays just out of its attack range, attacks the few NPC's that come with the Corruptor. I think it stops spawning those if you don't loot the corpses, but I am not sure. Been too long since I did this. They're easy to kill anyway.


All of this takes a little while to get used to. Once you farmed your first stack of frags you'll get the hang of it. It's all too easy. Just extremely time consuming, especially when you're going for the Headgear. Good luck. :)

Fansite Operator

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Grab aggro by shooting em, then slowly back up enough for them to follow you out. As long as your out of range of the boss' area debuff, you should be fine to interlock em'.

Edit: Those 53s aren't random, corrupted spawn on every player within range so the 53s are tied into the level 50 doing the teleporting.

Message edited by cloudwolf on 12/04/2008 05:00:31.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 4278

The fastest way to do this is to get someone to make a low level character and help you, or to use two accounts at once.

Sadly, niether of those are very likely. I can no longer afford two accounts and chances of me finding any other player willing to be a corrupted punch bag is very slim. I don't mind taking on the level 53s. They shouldn't be too much of a hassle if I can get them away from that big bug, I hope =)

Message edited by Chuui on 12/04/2008 05:20:49.

Ascendent Logic

Joined: Aug 21, 2005
Messages: 634

Chuui wrote:

The fastest way to do this is to get someone to make a low level character and help you, or to use two accounts at once.

Sadly, niether of those are very likely. I can no longer afford two accounts and chances of me finding any other player willing to be a corrupted punch bag is very slim. I don't mind taking on the level 53s. They shouldn't be too much of a hassle if I can get them away from that big bug, I hope =)

You can always download the SOE station launcher and open a trial account for a month. SMILEY


Joined: Aug 16, 2005
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I find it also to be a good idea to incorporate a sniper rifle.  That way you can safely stand outside of the Corruptor's  range and shoot the Corrupted NPCs.  Depending on the level of the spawn, you can one-shot most of them.  Once the big guy takes his leave, you can loot away.

Jacked Out

Joined: Jan 5, 2008
Messages: 757
Location: Syntax.

Syna wrote:

The fastest way to do this is to get someone to make a low level character and help you, or to use two accounts at once.
The level 50 loads Teleport Teammember and a few offensive area hacks. Might get a few heals in there too. Don't bother with getting high level attacks or high level heals, none of that is necessary.
The low level needs to hack the Bathary Node. So do you, but I assume you already have it tagged.
I always make a new character, /suicide to log in as a level 1 and then tag the node and a hardline. I'll be level 3. The lower level your lowbie is, the easier the NPC's are to kill. I'll get to that in a second.

The Corruptor spawns every 45 minutes. To skip this, you have to teleport the lowbie around. With every teleport you have a chance to spawn the Corruptor on the lowbie. Shouldn't take more than 10 teleports, which saves you the time waiting for one to spawn.

After spawning, you and the lowbie have to get at a little distance from the Corruptor. Every minute or two minutes it attacks you and takes away 80% of your health (notice its a percentage, not an amount). Need to find the right distance, but that's not too hard to do.

Because you spawned the Corruptor with the lowbie, the NPC's will be 3 levels higher as the lowbie. Yippy, no level 53's! They're easy to kill =) The Corruptor will stay for 45 minutes.
I load area hacks because they have a longer cast timer than the Ballista hacks. If I kill the low level NPC's too quick, I have to get near the Corruptors attack range to loot them. I rather have a longer cast timer so I don't have to walk so much.

Every now and then a random spawn of level 53's will come. You can hyperjump to get rid of those. Or you can try to find the stairs that connect Bathary with Stamos. There are two of these. If you can get the Corruptor to spawn in Bathary, but stay in Stamos then these random spawn won't be bothering you. Make sure you hack the Stamos node on your account and the lowbie one.

To kill the Corruptor you need 340 frags. These can be traded for insecticide at the Fumigator. The Corruptor has 5100 health and doesn't regenerate the health it loses. Each spray of insecticide does 15 damage, regardless of your characters level.
Remember the Corruptor takes away 80% of your health every minute or so. It's therefore best to attack it with the lowbie, so you can heal it up to its max health quick. The level 50 stays just out of its attack range, attacks the few NPC's that come with the Corruptor. I think it stops spawning those if you don't loot the corpses, but I am not sure. Been too long since I did this. They're easy to kill anyway.


All of this takes a little while to get used to. Once you farmed your first stack of frags you'll get the hang of it. It's all too easy. Just extremely time consuming, especially when you're going for the Headgear. Good luck.


I would tell you the exact load you need but i cant jack in for the forsable.

The best place to do this is on the warehouse roofs in bathory.

I have farmed a headgear in 2 days before.  Its mind numbingly boring and not really worth the reward to be honest but at the time i was selling them on order so it made me really quite rich.

Message edited by Criingey on 12/04/2008 06:00:06.

Enlightened Mind

Joined: Feb 8, 2008
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You need 2100 corrupted frags in total unless you extremely uberomgh4xlucky and get a double drop >_> when doing this if you want the headgear, it sounds like LOADS but once you get the 1st 340 you know that you can do it hehe, i farmed mine in 5 days which was basically 340 per day and a few more for the archives

I did the low lvl tactic suggested above and it worked like a charm hehe, now that i think about it, i think i may farm some more and sell em for some good dosh ^^

GL if ur gonna do it SMILEY

Femme Fatale

Joined: Oct 27, 2007
Messages: 1223

If you're determined to do this alone then you might want to find out which Archive Mission it is that lends you several party members in the first phase.  You can take them down to Bathary and they'll help you kill the 53s. 

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Dec 20, 2005
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You killing level 6 corrupteds from trial account level 3 is much, much faster than trying to kill 53s.

Another PC with 4x trial account level 3s is even better.


Joined: Aug 15, 2005
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Bayamos wrote:

You killing level 6 corrupteds from trial account level 3 is much, much faster than trying to kill 53s.

Another PC with 4x trial account level 3s is even better.

Teach me...


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