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Jacked Out

Joined: Nov 16, 2007
Messages: 164

####Connection Established--- Captain's Log
Lt0Brien- Hovercraft Gilead II
Lieutenant sits in the cockpit of the newly designed hovercraft that was given to him upon his safe return to service with E Pluribus Neo. He seems relaxed, eyes shut, listening only to the drone of the inactive hover pads holding the ship mere feet off the ground. Suddenly the voice of a young woman chimes in, breaking his concentration.

"Ell~ Tee! Your seats warmed up and that jack is waiting if you're ready." The voice says in a cheerful manner.

The captain's eyes open and he brushes his brown hair from his eyes. He looks around, checking where he is, as though he somehow forgot how he got there. Lt grips the hard plastic armrests and takes a deep inhale before standing up, with an audible "pop" resonating from his knees. Though only 16 years of age (so the databases in 01 say), recent events have put a strain on the young captain, taking away his youth.

"Yeah, I'm ready Yuki. Give a guy a break though would ya?" He grunts as he makes his way through the open bulk head door.

His First Mate and Operator, YukishiroTomoe, sits cross-legged in the comfortable reclining chair, an ear-to-ear grin held fast on her face. Lt0Brien can't help but smile at her ragged clothes and grease filled, brick-red hair. "Too laid-back for a solider" He thinks to himself as he walks up to his Neural Kinetics Monitor.

"Okay, where's the drop point today missy?" he says over his shoulder, tapping the screen to check that everything is working correctly.

Yuki spins around in her chair, stopping it in front of the left most keyboard and monitor. "Mannson Park, 10 Kilos from that old church."

"And the-"

"2 Agents, 4 operatives; one Zion, two Meros, and a single Machinist NK levels 28, 48, 49, and 19 (respectively)... And the usual Legion hobo-Exiles that like to crowd around the innocent little girls" She cuts in, adding an innocent face to the end bit for emphasis. "You know, another walk in the park."

"Far to laid back" he thinks again with a chuckle. "Alrighty then, let's get this over with so I can get some sleep... we've got that storm to worry about tomorrow remember?"

"Yeah yeah, I got it."

The red headed girl stands to meet Lt at the jack-in chair as he sits down. She raises the cable to the metal hole in his head and stares blankly into his closed eyes.

"Something wrong?" He asks without batting an eye-lid.

"No, just wondering if I should make this hurt or not..." she says plainly, and with a giggle she plugs him in and releases the drugs into his system.
####Connection Interrupted,
Jack in procedure initiated... Please wait...

((this being my last night of subscription, I wont beable to post the final installments of this, but I thought I'd at least get ONE ofmy stories here on DN1 before I left for the month. if I manage to complete this in my time away, Ill have someone else in EPN post it for me.))

Jacked Out

Joined: Nov 16, 2007
Messages: 164

####Connection Re-Established--- Captain's Log
Lt0Brien- Loading Area of the Gilead II
Lt0Brien cringes as a chill runs down his spine. He opens his eyes to the blank, white, and endless room that he has entered. From the real, Lt looks like a 20-something year old bum, with an infinite 5-oclock shadow, and hair as ragged as his clothes. But here in the system, his hair is a well kept spiky green and his clothes a matching colored set of normal Redpill (t-shirt, tight pants, nice shoes, and an overcoat) clothes.

He slides his cell-phone out of the hidden pocket in his sleeve and puts it to his ear. After three rings the phone clicks to say that it has been answered.

"Op-er-a-tor!" Comes the classical Yuki-style answer from the earpiece. "What can I get for you ‘cappin'?"

"The usual, and what did I tell you about the-"

The phone clicks again to say that he was hung-up on, as a small box materializes on the floor. Lt takes a knee, the popping sound gone in this virtual world, and unlatches the box while slipping the phone back into his sleeve.

As the lid rises an array of weapons and holsters can be seen.

"Custom WD-3000 Silenced sniper rifle, a pair of FM-900 Magnums, two FM-11's, and a single ‘Blue-steel' Katana." He recites as he puts them each into place (the rifle and sword slung over his shoulder, the pistols at his hips, and the FM-11's placed neatly in holsters under his armpits). "Locked and loaded." he whispers, triggering the final jack-in sequence that pulls him through the hardline, deep into the "Barrens" of the Matrix world.

Lt pulls his phone out of it's pocket to check his heading, and promptly hyper-jumps as far from his entry point as he can. He lands on the roof of the "First Church of the Disciples" and un-holsters one of his pistols as a safety precaution. Once inside the walls of the run-down church, Lt can hear the shouts and guns of the Legion gang members outside, so he instinctively pulls out the phone again to call Yuki to check the situation. Before he can dial the number, the ringer goes off and the report is ready.

"Three vampire-wannabies, chasing that Zionite and what looks like... an eight-year-old bluepill girl... I told you s-"

Lieutenant cuts her off and dives through the front door of this "house of god" right behind one of the pale skinned Exiles. Just as quickly as Lt had opened the door, a bullet flew out of the barrel of his pistol and into the spine of his enemy. The Legion vampire fires off a single dying shot as it sprawls to the ground, alerting his two quite larger brethren.

The two in-human husks turn to face their assailant, guns already poised to fire. But before they can shoot, a round catches each of them between the eyes, in what seems like perfect unison.

In the distance the Zionite and his potential, dart out from behind cover and into a near by building, not so much as a salute to the man who just saved their lives. But Lt pays no mind. To his right there is a mailbox, standard blue, and his phone points directly towards it.

He strolls up casually, and pulls a package labeled "Report2_0" from a pocket inside of his coat, and gently lets it fall into place. In his peripheral he sees a woman walking down the sidewalk, two grocery bags and a purse in her arms.
####Connection Interrupted,
Error Unknown... Please wait...

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