For lower levels I prefer Kung Fu and Karate. Let me clarify that...actually I prefer Misdirect Punch and Karate.
Karate puts out the most damage and I like Misdirect Punch from the Kung Fu tree for its blinding effect, which lowers your enemies rolls for a short time (along with other debuffs). I'd use Karate until you can get Misdirect Punch from the Kung Fu tree then use a hybrid loadout.
mmmmmmmmmmmmm..... spam
Message Edited by Charlenna on 11-14-2005 09:28 PM
they will more or less roll similar, i like karate as a single tree when lower level, but akido the higher you get...., though with aqua i went kung fu for a long time so that works too
Message Edited by krytical on 11-17-2005 12:47 PM