Also, I was really hoping for the clear glasses, but I think these are still slightly tinted. Oh well. STILL WANT!
Yeah, I like the slightly dark version for the NPCs.
Although now I want both versions of the glasses. :P
Dang you know this means I'm gonna have to make two versions now.=p
Uh-oh... I just accidentally made a fourth version. This is weird. I don't think I was supposed to use these settings.
You would *think* that removing the alpha channel from the image and then telling the control file not to use any bits to store its alpha data would be in effect the same as leaving the alpha channel and accidentally telling the control file not to store its alpha data, but apparently that isn't the case...
Ok, my head is spinning on that one. and not nessesarily because of what you said. x.x
Im gonna buy you a few shots next Fanfaire ,so you can explain just exactley what the ---- you just said.