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Mainframe Invader

Joined: Jan 5, 2006
Messages: 417
Location: The Watchmen

In the past Syntax was going through a low population time so I know how some Recursion players might feel. We are used to it on Syntax, I think Vector had a similar thing also.

I would prefer a merge, all three servers, make international & downtown flagged, keeping richland and westview non flagged. The only problem I can see would be over spamming at the org meetings but I think that is going to be a problem regardless.


Jacked Out

Joined: Jan 5, 2008
Messages: 757
Location: Syntax.

To me its simply a matter of having a larger population.

Whats the point in playing if you have noone to play with?  Most of the time ive spent away has been for this exact reason.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 27, 2005
Messages: 1995
Location: Syntax:Recurs HvCft Rocinante-Captain Level 50 Hacker

Once again, we have an active discussion about merging the game servers. Not bad, since I see some new names in this one; it's not the same old tired people arguing back and forth.

And once again, the naysayers come out to beat up on the OP rather than make valid arguments against his/her idea. Why? Because their arguments against the idea itself suck; they're lame (OMGMXOESMUERTA), petty (OMGTOONDEELEESHUN), and trite (OMGDRAMAZ).

Anyway, this is for you new people. I'll post my obligatory comment about server merges in the interest of keeping things moving in the right direction. Or at least in the same circle. And I won't say a thing about that other thing I've been keeping up.

Reasons for Server Merge

  • Consolidating the RP servers decreases the confusion for new players when trying to decide which server to start out on to one easy choice; the PvP or the RP
  • Increased population means more chances for social activities, general socializing, RP, PvP, and gives a general feeling of a more populated game.
  • Increases the number of Live Events held on each of the remaining servers. If it were split evenly, for example, one week Vector gets 3 LE's, while the new RPvP server gets 2. And then the next week, they switch.
  • LE focus and quality will increase as there will be more Liaison Officers available to plan and help each other out playing secondary roles and such.
  • Eliminates the need to level main chars on more than two servers.
  • Opens a server to be used as a test server for QA. This means that huge changes to the game (such as Org Abilities and possibly even new ability trees) could be revisted and tweaked so that they could be included in the game.

Reasons against Server Merge

  • Increased population will likely cause a heavier load on the server, intensifying the lag effect
  • Less servers in play may give the perception of a "dead" or "dying" game.
  • Higher congestion in new content areas (Sati's Playground, Datamine, etc)
  • Apparently toxic levels of drama from the members of the Recursion server
  • Most players already have alts on the other servers anyway

I am leaving out the "Increased population at Live Events" reason, because that cuts both ways, and cancels itself out. Some would prefer more people at LE's, some less.

Now I was as fair as I could be in the descriptions and counting of reasons, but obviously I am biased. Hence, this is why we discuss these things. If you want to argue the merrits of each of these reasons and their validity, fine. But if all you want to do is troll ("no. Just, no.") or spam server pride, keep in mind that your posts will be reported as such to the mods.



Joined: Jul 5, 2008
Messages: 102

Its the name if its a spam and why contest!!! obviously some people have a problem with this thread since its not where they want it to they keep going off subject spamming "spam"..grow up already!!!

as somebody  said theres a lot of threads about it and very dead threads too, not one dev showed and responded on the other ones. but no we have to take the word from other players that shutdown any idea thats in the developement section cause they dont have none of their own. Please stop spammin this thread.

Recursion is the dead horse by the way, nobody that gets a trial key not to talk about a subscriber  would stick around in an empty server, they would go running to syntax or dont play at all. so this merge is really in benefit for the recursion players, but im starting to see most of the objections has to do with server pride...shame shame


nice post, Feng

Message edited by Jahzel-Jah on 11/18/2008 06:27:07.

Jacked Out

Joined: Jan 5, 2008
Messages: 757
Location: Syntax.

To me the pros far outweigh the cons in your list Shi.

Even looking at the cons one could argue that higher congestion in new content areas is a pro.  Primary example would be Datamine.  More people in there would be a good thing.  It is far too easy to go in there and farm yourself a 50mil in no time.  With more people its going to be more of a risk etc etc.

As for Recursion specific drama... well i cant comment as i dont play there regularly, however im pretty sure there are equal drama on all servers and im even more sure that in time if there was said drama then it would soon dissapear creating a whole new SUPERDRAMA!  Some people may even thrive off apparent drama seeing it as an oppertunity to show these naysayers hows it done!

Those are the two examples i can think of.

Jacked Out

Joined: Dec 27, 2006
Messages: 6256
Location: The Real World This is how MxO ends: Not with a bang but a whimper

ShiXinFeng wrote:

Anyway, this is for you new people. I'll post my obligatory comment about server merges in the interest of keeping things moving in the right direction. Or at least in the same circle. And I won't say a thing about that other thing I've been keeping up.

Reasons for Server Merge

  • Opens a server to be used as a test server for QA. This means that huge changes to the game (such as Org Abilities and possibly even new ability trees) could be revisted and tweaked so that they could be included in the game.


And let me, once again, point out that if this were to happen, there is no guarantee that the extra server will be used for testing purposes, so suggesting that will is misleading, or at least, just a hope. MxO has done without a test server for a good while, do you think that SOE would honestly allow them to keep a server for something they apparently dont need and probably won't use, when they could use it for one of their upcoming games?

Oh and lol at all the 'stop spamming spam' spam.

Message edited by Croesis on 11/18/2008 06:49:04.


Joined: Aug 20, 2005
Messages: 3065
Location: Upstate NY

Avath wrote:

Im still asking myself why it has to be so hard to try to make a point here.

Firstly, you weren't so much making a point rather than bringing up a discussion. Points can be argued, and will be. Especially by forum trolls who take into account that you only have 35 forums posts and that you are from Recursion and that, like others, you are making a new thread about it.

If you had posted in any of those other threads, you would be getting the same .gif's and comments. I'll agree that posting in an existing thread is proper forum etiquette, but compared to the offenses in this and most other hot threads right now, its very minor. But the trolls use this to further their side of the arguement, even though they may or may not care about the actual issue.

The fact is that some people want the merger and others don't. Also, some people don't care either way. Regardless of opinion, some people feel the need to belittle others for sharing their ideas, weather they are originial or not.

Any MMO developer listens to the community because they give them feedback for the game (as stated by Walrus at Fan Fair or ComicCon back when covered the event). Some is used, most is not. Just don't mind the trolls that argue and then edit their post to "stay on topic".

Femme Fatale

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1188
Location: Vector-Hostile

Just a different concept or idea that might solve some of the problems with server population.

But if you let anyone who already had a level 50 on any server when they make a new character start at a higher level say 30 (can be open for discussion) then the thought of leveling on another server might not be so bad. A merge may not be needed and people can try the others servers easier and may be more inclined to level.

I won't be one of them but it's an idea that I don't believe has been said before.

To anyone who has a character on Syntax and may think low server population isn't an issue. I recomend taking a moment to stand in a Recursion players shoes, create a lowbie and check it out and see the population for itself for a few days, move around do some /who's and you will get the picture for yourself.


Joined: Oct 22, 2005
Messages: 8296
Location: Ye Olde Hole Ine The Tree

If we did have a server merge, we'd still be having the exact same discussions, only the threat titles would be different and all the verbs would be in past tense. The only thing that would change is that Dramacursionites would be forced to deal with *edited*.

Message edited by Virrago on 11/18/2008 12:42:50.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1234
Location: The Bonaguil Merovingian City


Message edited by Ingus on 11/18/2008 08:10:35.

Ascendent Logic

Joined: Apr 12, 2006
Messages: 774
Location: Creston Heights

Ingus wrote:

Just my opinion.

I say it's karma. Back when Vectorites were the only ones shouting for a server merge and the likes of recursion and syntax basically told vector to shut up with the merge crap... now recursion stands in vector's shoes.

How does it feel?

and now Syntax is sitting high on the hog not worried about recursion or vector because hey, their population is stable so the heck with the rest of the servers.

Start looking at the big picture people. Do you care about the overall status of MXO or just your own server? The negative effects of the areas around you will eventually effect you. That's the nature of things. Recursion is a good example.

Low population is spreading from server to server like a cancer and soon it will spread to last but not least, syntax... and when that happens it will be too late. Quit being so stubborn and think of what will help the game the most.

Like it or not sad but true.. mxo doesn't live in a mansion anymore... its parked in a condo on the long list of 2nd rate MMOs on SOE's station list. The popularity and aura of the matrix trilogy has faded. Alot of you now are just here for your faction, friends, pvp, and and a glimmer of hope that things will get better.

I say merge all three freaken servers. Many of you rant that the server will lag. there will be too many people etc... uhm hello... there will always be lag and most importantly if ya haven't looked around. The city is called MEGA CITY... it's a big place! spread out! Mara central isn't the holy grail of the matrix... there are a dozen other hardlines, districts, clubs, parks, and neighborhoods to POPULATE.


Make it 1 server, 1 Matrix as it should be.

Have Richland Non hostile, Westview Hostile (for the lowbies to pvp) make international non hostile, and Downtown hostile for the 50s to pvp)

This will spread the population out and generate more activity in many of the vacant areas of the city.

Many non hostile players will be against this but why not have some hostile districts and non hostile're getting the best of both worlds. With the state that this game is in it would be selfish not to consider it. You can't be in all districts at the same time for what so some can stand at hardlines all day dancing with the opposite org players on stairs instead of clubs while naked? That ain't REAL.

the big picture here folks the big picture.

QFT.......all drama would be nice to find people in mega city again.I never lagged much at launch..that's more your comp...

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 1932
Location: In a San Diego (german translation)

I don't know why Syntaxians are liek ZOMG WE DONT WANT DRAMACURSIONITES when the majority of the Dramacursionites HAVE alts on Syntax, just not their level 50s. So a merge would not really change much, except that they would be there the entire time and have their level 50s. Fact of the matter is: MxO is a dieing MMO and is on life support. A server merge would make things easier on Rarebit, whats left of LESIG, and really the player base as a whole. We all talk/fight with each other on DN1 and X-Fire anyway, might as well make it one big disfunctional family on one server. And I like the idea of Downtown being the hostile area, thats the way it should be anyway since Downtown is suppose to be the center of Machine control in the Matrix.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1234
Location: The Bonaguil Merovingian City

Just my opinion.

I say it's karma. Back when Vectorites were the only ones shouting for a server merge, the likes of recursion and syntax basically told vector to shut up with the merge crap... now recursion stands in vector's shoes.

How does it feel?

and now Syntax is sitting high on the hog not worried about recursion or vector because hey, their population is stable so the heck with the rest of the servers.

Start looking at the big picture people. Do you care about the overall status of MXO or just your own server? The negative effects of the areas around you will eventually effect you. That's the nature of things. Recursion is a good example.

Low population is spreading from server to server like a cancer and soon it will spread to last but not least, syntax... and when that happens it will be too late. Quit being so stubborn and think of what will help the game the most.

Like it or not sad but true.. mxo doesn't live in a mansion anymore... its parked in a condo on a long list of 2nd rate MMOs on SOE's station list. The popularity and aura of the matrix trilogy has faded. Alot of you now are just here for your faction, friends, pvp, and and a glimmer of hope that things will get better.

I say merge all three freaken servers. Many of you rant that the server will lag. there will be too many people etc... uhm hello... there will always be lag and most importantly if ya haven't looked around. The city is called MEGA CITY... it's a big place! spread out! Mara central isn't the holy grail of the matrix... there are a dozen other hardlines, districts, clubs, parks, and neighborhoods to POPULATE. It's not the devs fault that many didn't play the game the way it was intended to be played.

The difference between MXO and all the other MMOs is majority of it's population are first person shooter players that joined the community with mxo being their first mmo but they came due to being fans of the matrix movies. These people would become the "PVPERS" of the mxo community. The minority of the population came with actual plans to roleplay and contribute to the ongoing matrix storyline but were constantly shunned by the PVPERS... they would be the "RPERS". This resulted in a neverending political war between RPERS/PVPERS.

So when you add the rper/pvper struggle to the mix with it being more pvpers expressing themselves in an rper world... live event character/player interaction was no where near what the developers were expecting when they got into this gig

Things like that played its part in the decline of mxo... along with cr1 to cr2, monolith to soe.

Make it 1 server, 1 Matrix as it should be.

Have Richland Non hostile, Westview Hostile (for the lowbies to pvp) make international non hostile, and Downtown hostile for the 50s to pvp)

This will spread the population out and generate more activity in many of the vacant areas of the city.

Many non hostile players will be against this but why not have some hostile districts and non hostile're getting the best of both worlds. With the state that this game is in it would be selfish not to consider it. You can't be in all districts at the same time for what so some can stand at hardlines all day dancing naked with the opposite org players on stairs instead of clubs? That ain't REAL.

the big picture here folks the big picture.

Message edited by Ingus on 11/18/2008 08:11:08.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 22, 2005
Messages: 3275
Location: Lost in La Mancha

Ingus wrote:

Just my opinion.

I say it's karma. Back when Vectorites were the only ones shouting for a server merge, the likes of recursion and syntax basically told vector to shut up with the merge crap... now recursion stands in vector's shoes.

How does it feel?

and now Syntax is sitting high on the hog not worried about recursion or vector because hey, their population is stable so the heck with the rest of the servers.

Start looking at the big picture people. Do you care about the overall status of MXO or just your own server? The negative effects of the areas around you will eventually effect you. That's the nature of things. Recursion is a good example.

Low population is spreading from server to server like a cancer and soon it will spread to last but not least, syntax... and when that happens it will be too late. Quit being so stubborn and think of what will help the game the most.

Like it or not sad but true.. mxo doesn't live in a mansion anymore... its parked in a condo on a long list of 2nd rate MMOs on SOE's station list. The popularity and aura of the matrix trilogy has faded. Alot of you now are just here for your faction, friends, pvp, and and a glimmer of hope that things will get better.

I say merge all three freaken servers. Many of you rant that the server will lag. there will be too many people etc... uhm hello... there will always be lag and most importantly if ya haven't looked around. The city is called MEGA CITY... it's a big place! spread out! Mara central isn't the holy grail of the matrix... there are a dozen other hardlines, districts, clubs, parks, and neighborhoods to POPULATE. It's not the devs fault that many didn't play the game the way it was intended to be played.

The difference between MXO and all the other MMOs is majority of it's population are first person shooter players that joined the community with mxo being their first mmo but they came due to being fans of the matrix movies. These people would become the "PVPERS" of the mxo community. The minority of the population came with actual plans to roleplay and contribute to the ongoing matrix storyline but were constantly shunned by the PVPERS... they would be the "RPERS". This resulted in a neverending political war between RPERS/PVPERS.

So when you add the rper/pvper struggle to the mix with it being more pvpers expressing themselves in an rper world... live event character/player interaction was no where near what the developers were expecting when they got into this gig

Things like that played its part in the decline of mxo... along with cr1 to cr2, monolith to soe.

Make it 1 server, 1 Matrix as it should be.

Have Richland Non hostile, Westview Hostile (for the lowbies to pvp) make international non hostile, and Downtown hostile for the 50s to pvp)

This will spread the population out and generate more activity in many of the vacant areas of the city.

Many non hostile players will be against this but why not have some hostile districts and non hostile're getting the best of both worlds. With the state that this game is in it would be selfish not to consider it. You can't be in all districts at the same time for what so some can stand at hardlines all day dancing naked with the opposite org players on stairs instead of clubs? That ain't REAL.

the big picture here folks the big picture.

QFT...and I can say Ingus isn't some Vector-only, Johnny Come Lately, he's put in his time and made his bones on both hostile and nonhostile servers, I was with him on Recursion in 2007 and he built up something quite impressive, in fact I and many others have Recursion 50's to show for it.

This isn't the cure for MxO's ills but its a danm good idea.  If the patient is dying from blood loss this would be the tourniquet.  It will buy us (and Rare) some time while we get ourselves sorted.  I guess the only question is 1 or 2 servers.  I'm fine with both.  Who cares what outsiders think.  We have our own thing here and I care more about the community than some industry insider's snide comments on some gaming site somewhere.

The pros to the 2 server is its a simple binary system and a good start.  Hostile or nonhostile.  Nice and easy.  6 slots per server.  No one loses anything.  And I think it will encourage nonhostile players to check out Vector (especially with 3 added slots).

The pros to 1 server? what Ingus said.  I think Richland should stay nonhostile.  I DEFINATELY think DT should be hostile.  As far as the two in between districts....Int'l should be nonhostile as it is a great place to mission during those mid levels.  And just a really nice RP setting.  Westview is rather an unpleasant place to mission IMO so I think we could increase its usage by making it hostile.

Either/or.  Again, while this concept has been around a long time, circumstances HAVE changed.  And if we do nothing, the patient will die sooner rather than later.


Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 27, 2005
Messages: 1995
Location: Syntax:Recurs HvCft Rocinante-Captain Level 50 Hacker

Villemar_MxO wrote:

... 2 server is its a simple binary system ...

Oooh, this gave me a little thrill when I read it. . .

The Matrix Online - SystemInstance_0 - RP/Normal

The Matrix Online - SystemInstance_1 - PvP/Hostile


Cool as that sounds, though, I think I would rather have a single Matrix Universe, with DT and the Barrens being hostile and the Slums and Intl being normal. 

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