Hi, agent Gray has called me, but I was in a middle of something so I just clicked on something that I dont remember what and he is now not on my contact list. How can I contact him again?
Also is there any direct CC button as left click on enemy, then one left click on close combat (button) that only would activate when I close enough? (as opposed to right click on enemy then select CC with left click)
Also is there the same for doors?
Thank you so much in advance.
Um, no idea what's with Gray, but he... should be there with the other org contacts, under the. N key After you've after you've completed your initiation missions, ofcourse.
Interlock, nope, there aint a direct button. Though i usually select my target and then use the interlock button in my hotbar, wich can aswell be bound to a key. "+" is the default i think.
Doors, hehe.. Well, lets say that your rapid rightclick-leftclick reflex is gonna benefit from playing mxo.
To contact Gray, press the N key and your list of contacts should come up. Running missions for him will earn you machine reputation.
As for the close combat, another option is pressing the - key or the little icon next to your hotbar, the first one being your close combat style and the other your ranged style.
And to open doors faster, hover your mouse over it and press the Tab key, hope this helps
Double-clicking on a hostile target in CC range and on doors in activation range should allow you to attempt CC (or break evade shield) and open doors respectively.
well, good ideas here thanks!
agent gray is not on my mission contact list, is this a bug? Although he has called me once I do remember. PLease help me, how can I get his contact?
I have a hunch.. does your list only list Tyndall? If so, run a mission with her, if it's called Welcome to the Matrix then it's been reset for some reason probably a server/database error. It happened to me on one of my alts a long time ago. It's annoying as you have to run through all the intro missions again.
If this is the case, then you can do nothing but run them all again, this time though when you get to the mission where you hear Commander Lock talking be careful on what your pressing when you leave the mission area which is when Flood and Gray pop up. Click Ok on each then click the small yellowey button top right of the mission complete box, you should see the list with Flood and Gray on it.
ok. i realized, that i havent done the basic missions yet, i didnt know what they are... someone took me to a machine quest and then i saw agent gray, when he gave the xp, but now that i have actually completed the niobe part, the agent and flood has called me, so everything is fine. im sorry for the misunderstnding, and thanks for the answers
You must have been doing archives....
Zeac wrote:
No I think its the initial missions where after several Zion intro missions you can then select whichever org you want at that point.