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Seraneth's story - Syntax - 4/20/06
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Zion Captain

Joined: Nov 28, 2005
Messages: 40

I don't do many recruiting runs myself. But sometimes you run across someone accidentally, someone who you look at and know that they've seen something they can't quite explain. That's how it was with me and Seraneth. He's a liaison officer for us now, and a **bleep** good one. For those of you who haven't met him yet, this is his story, in his own words. -- Niobe


"My name was Thomas Franklin.

"Before I knew of the Matrix, Zion... the Merovingian or any of this, my name was Thomas Franklin. I was an Information Systems technician for a company called Internet Solutions. I had a normal daily routine, I had a day job that I enjoyed and led a somewhat normal life. That was, of course, until that day four months ago. It may have been longer. When there are no set calendars or dates to go by anymore, you kind of lose track of things. But regardless, it was roughly 120 days ago that my life changed forever.

"It was a Tuesday, I think, early in the morning as I was on my way to work. It had been raining that morning, I remember that. I stopped at a local coffee shop, like I always did, to get a pick-me-up before taking the subway downtown to the office. But that day wasn’t normal like every other day before this one. No, this one was the mother of all life changers. As I entered the coffee shop, my attention was brought to a small group of people towards the back of the room. They weren’t dressed like the normal folks I had seen here before. Though it was rainy and overcast, all of them were wearing sunglasses. Most of them dressed in black or dark colors, except for one of them. She wore a crimson trenchcoat and silvery sunglasses. The rest of the group seemed to be listening intently to whatever it was she had to say.

"I realized that I had been staring and tore my attention away from the odd group long enough to place my order, pay and then wait to be served. As I waited, I happened to overhear some of their conversation. I caught words like 'Assassin' and a name that was mentioned several times... 'Morpheus'. I recalled hearing that name in the news once or twice while watching television at home. As they spoke, I happened to look up towards the doors and notice several unsavory looking characters enter the coffee shop, their eyes locked on the group that I had been standing near.

"Without warning, the men that had just entered all pulled guns from within their jackets and aimed them towards the group at the back, but one of the guns was pointed right at me! One of them said, 'You’ve meddled in the affairs of the Merovingian for the last time, Zionites!' and then proceeded to open fire on the group. As soon as the gunfire began to erupt, I felt a hand on my shoulder pulling me down behind a nearby bookshelf and I was face to face with the woman I had seen with the group of strangers that had been attacked. She asked me if I was alright and when I told her I was, she proceeded to pull out a gun of her own and began returning fire!

"Somehow, I had gotten caught in the middle of some sort of gang war and I could hardly believe it! Within a few minutes, the gunfire subsided and several people, including all of the initial aggressors and some of those they had attacked, were dead. I was in shock at seeing so many dead bodies, I had never seen one before in my life. I had at a funeral, but this was totally different! But then something strange happened. Several of the bodies of the people that had been attacked suddenly disappeared. They simply changed into a ball of green light that faded out of existence! As far as I had known up until then, this was impossible, but now I know different.

"I looked to the woman who had rescued me and saw she was holding out her hand to me to help me up. I tentatively reached out and took her hand. She hauled me to my feet with little effort and looked around cautiously. She helped others to their feet, those she had come with who had not disappeared and told them to get to a hardline and return to their ships before police or agent presence arrived. I figured the police would be there shortly, but I was unfamiliar as to what sort of agent she meant. She then walked quickly back over to me and spoke.

"'You’ve seen a lot this morning, my friend.' She said, her voice surprisingly friendly for a woman who had just gunned down several people. 'I know you’ve seen some strange things here today. If you want answers... come with me, now.'

"I had seen some strange things in my lifetime, but nothing ever like this. I had heard stories of people seeing bodies just disappear, but I thought it was just urban legends and college pranks. I’d even heard of gang violence in the city, everyone had, but nothing ever this brutal. I decided that perhaps this woman could have some answers to the questions in my head, so I went with her.

"She led me from the building quickly and down into the nearby subway where we caught a train to Westview. I think we ended up in Stamos, but I can’t remember exactly where it was. I was still in a bit of shock having been in the middle of a violent gunfight not ten minutes earlier. She led me to a building near the subway where we took the elevator to the top floor. Once off the elevator, we entered an apartment filled with strange equipment and more people who looked like those I had seen in the coffee shop earlier that morning. She introduced herself as Niobe, a Captain of Zion.

"Niobe then proceeded to tell me about the Matrix and that the people I had seen killed were not really dead. This I found hard to believe until two of the people I had seen gunned down stepped into the room and greeted me. I almost fainted, but Niobe calmed me down and continued to explain to me about the Matrix and the Real world where she actually lived. She then told me I had to make a choice. She offered me one of two options to choose from. The first was a blue pill. She told me if I took it, I would wake up at home and be none the wiser about what I had seen today. The second was a red pill. She told me that if I took the red pill that my life would be forever changed and I would never be the same again.

"Obviously, I took the red pill. I decided that I wanted to know what it was I had seen and what there was out there for me. I had no idea what I was in store for, but I couldn’t let this chance slip away from me. I was freed from my pod and rescued by Niobe and her crew that very morning. A month later I was on my feet and going through basic Construct training aboard the Logos II with Sparks, my 'Operator'. I am still getting used to a lot of things. But I’m coming around slowly.

"About forty-five days after I was freed, I got to visit Zion for the first time. I got to see the city I had heard so much about from Sparks. Niobe didn’t seem to talk about it much, but then again she seemed very solitary. Sparks, on the other hand, was very loquacious. Always talking about this and that in Zion. It was from him that I learned about Neo and the war, as well as Morpheus and the end he met within the Matrix not long before my being freed from the system.

"Even though Niobe had freed me, I knew that in order to be on a Zion Hovercraft that I would have to be chosen for said position. That was when I learned that the Council of Zion was seeking someone to be their representative within the Matrix for Operatives of Zion. A… Liaison of sorts. Being a person who liked to keep themselves busy, and wanting to be able to contribute, I put my name in for the position. I went through an interview process with each of the Councilors and then waited to hear back from them.

"About a week after my interview with the Council, I was summoned back and informed that I would, indeed, be the man for the job and welcomed aboard. Another pleasant surprise was that Niobe had requested I be placed aboard her ship. Quite the honor considering that I owed her my life. So now, here I am. Aboard the Logos II, cruising the tunnels of the Real as we approach broadcast depth where I will be introduced by my Captain to the operatives of Zion.

"My name was Thomas Franklin. But now, my name is Seraneth... the Speaker."

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 1625
Location: HvCFT Holy Warriors Ex Zion

Ah, another new liaison, congratulations, Niobe.

*Directs all of the LET to the Recursion Server*

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 66

Yes I so agree Dezreki heh.

Fansite Operator

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 2210

Seraneth's been around for some time, actually.

Mainframe Invader

Joined: Oct 31, 2005
Messages: 390

Othinn1 wrote:
Seraneth's been around for some time, actually.

I always find it funny when people can't identify the Syntax liasons, moreso this time.

Albeit I'd struggle to name the other server's liasons, but nevertheless.

Jacked Out

Joined: Oct 23, 2005
Messages: 1206

Niobe wrote:

"'You’ve seen a lot this
morning, my friend.' She said, her voice surprisingly friendly for a
woman who had just gunned down several people. 'I know you’ve seen some
strange things here today. If you want answers... come with me, now.'

continue to sicken me, Niobe. You took away heaven and gave him hell.
Your conscience, I hope, will ultimatley get the better of you.

There are several posibilities for this small Red Pill now. He will
either be killed, or he will become disorientated and unfamiliar. We
simply cannot allow Zion to continue this activity, un-presedented. It
is sickening.

We are the ones who protect the matrix from such atrocities. We are the
ones that save humans from their own death by awakening into the hands
of Zion.

Embrace us now.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 18, 2005
Messages: 5866

A great tale, my friend. Brings back memories.

Fansite Operator

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 8129
Location: UK -------- Instance: Syntax --- Organisation: Zion - Faction: Omega Syndicate

((Seraneth ftw! Hes one of the only original liasions left and an all around kick *CENSORED* guy))

Jacked Out

Joined: Sep 18, 2005
Messages: 448
Location: South Australia

Seraneth, our paths have crossed, our hands have shaken. Words were exchanged, minimally. Our desire is the interweaving of our paths once again to exchange words on life as a farce. You enjoy the delights of memory, friends and family, that luxury is beyond our minds pools of vision...


Seraneth, do not dirty your knees with the snares of battle and moment's tangle.

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 255

Seraneth, one of the few respectable people in Zion and the best officer in the Syntax Istance.


Mainframe Invader

Joined: Sep 1, 2005
Messages: 371

seraneth you know me well afther all this time .. you deserve this credit man!


*salutes* from you your most trustfull oprative!

Fansite Operator

Joined: Nov 17, 2005
Messages: 813
Location: France - The Watchmen - Machines | Syntax Instance

When I was in Zion, Seraneth was one of the reason to stay. He's one of the greatest operative I've ever meet. Good luck for the futur, Sera.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1455
Location: Syntax

I usually don't reply to such announcements , but seeing how this is Seraneth, well I can't refuse a friend. Your story is a bold and touching tale, as I have thought before and what you have proven to me now, you are an honorable man of Zion. I look forward to future breifings between you and I, it has been an honor so far, my friend, see you on the other side.


-General Grace of Darkness

Jacked Out

Joined: Sep 18, 2005
Messages: 1204
Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland

what can i say the honor and respect for you from within the ranks of zion is great, any word or thought i say will not be any better than the words spoken. long live seraneth - the man who saved me.




Mainframe Invader

Joined: Sep 15, 2005
Messages: 771
Location: Germany


I didn't have to known your story to know that you are a good soldier
and a better person.  You honor us with your faithful service as
liason.  Keep fighting the good fight.  I'll see you out

Commander CrimsonV

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