Umm whats wrong with you people(SOE)??Make it harder plz!!!We cant even kill a lvl 70 and now we have to kill a lvl 100!!!!!!Brilliant.......
yuenwoping wrote:Umm whats wrong with you people(SOE)??Make it harder plz!!!We cant even kill a lvl 70 and now we have to kill a lvl 100!!!!!!Brilliant....... Uhm... Complete Corrupters in the Assassin piece of story were level 255, and, like the current level 100 ones, require you to spray them with insecticide to damage them.
Since nobody else has bothered to say it, for whatever reason: Dear MxO Development Team, Thank you. Thank you for making the corruptor spawn times so infrequent. Thank you for making the corruptor quest operate in such a way that prevents everyone from attaining all the high level gear by the end of the day of the patch. I look forward to more stuff like this in the future.
Corrupted quest will be fine once they fix the timers.
Pyroclasam wrote:Corrupted quest will be fine once they fix the timers. I agree. But when will this happen?
Michael1 wrote:Pyroclasam wrote:Corrupted quest will be fine once they fix the timers. I agree. But when will this happen? i still think the time given by rarebit (can't find his post, but i think he said around 45 minutes) is still way, way too long. when coming to play a game like this, every single second counts in some way, shape or form. and i certainly don't think its a particularly productive use of anyones time in game to basically stand round bathary for up to 45 minutes hoping some monsters show up. for those that can afford to play for hours at a time, its not really a big deal. but i do wonder how many players are cut out from even attempting to do this because of the crazy amounts of standing around before you even get to do the thing. wasn't there a post on here from someone a while back laughing at how stupid people were for looking at a "you'll be able to play in 45 minutes" screen in world of warcraft? congratulations everyone, we've now just been given the same experience.
I think the difficulty is fine. Someone with a life will probably be able to participate in around 4 spawns per day, averaging 15 frags per spawn. It will take them approximately a week to get the top tier item which sounds about right. What I'm worried about is killing the big guys 5 times in order to get the other codes, it will take a lot of insecticides and coordination. If you're not part of a big faction or aren't the kind of player who can form 2 teams of players purely to kill the lvl 100 NPCs then you're going to have a hard time getting the other 5 parts.
I was hoping that the corrupter quest would revolve around getting 1-3 people or so, going to a warehouse in Bathary, and having mini corruptors (the corrupted bluepills) spawn quickly on each player - like the zombies in the halloween event. I thought it would take ages to get all the stuff, but it'd be fairly interesting. I wasn't hoping for a quest that would involve getting more players than above (most of the population of a server it seems) to wait in places in Bathary, at random, for hours, trying to get a spawn, whilst needing 40 free inventory slots again and again to make corrupted archives. Geez. A great range of gameplay for levels 30-50 they say. Blah. Other than the corruptor encounter quest, I think nearly everything else in the update has worked how I wanted it to. I did notice that when attacking the Bathary Boys mobs, some of them, as normal, were patchers. They tried to heal each other, but with the new 'have to be in a party' thing, they did the 'casting' effect, but nothing happened. Ah well, fairly good patch, but please fix the timers for those of us who are in different timezones to most, don't have enough contacts to get enough people organised together for a spawn, or without hours to spend doing nothing, just waiting, when we could be having fun on other games.
ManicV wrote:Since nobody else has bothered to say it, for whatever reason: Dear MxO Development Team, Thank you. Thank you for making the corruptor spawn times so infrequent. Thank you for making the corruptor quest operate in such a way that prevents everyone from attaining all the high level gear by the end of the day of the patch. I look forward to more stuff like this in the future. Oh, you're fine with having twenty players wasting two hours of their lives waiting for a poor chance to fight a corruptor? Might as well replace all of the firearms with water pistols instead. Glad I never bothered with the most problematic content like this *Gives middle fingers to Manic*
Oh you're fine with getting everything easy, lol, you LOVE grinding lowbies...
Anyways, the only problem I see is that the codes don't stack which makes it really hard for lvl 50's, especially those who like to use multiple disciplines (clothing) or the have enough room to even get ahold of an archive. Other than that I think it's a nice change to have people gathering in other parts of the city (Bathory pvp FTW  , and to have a decent challenge in order to get the new items.
As for the luggables, yeah, there's a few problems with them, but I love the dynamic the luggables add to pvp, mixes things up a bit.
Finally, has anyone noticed problems with abs breaking a lot again? I had to relog twice because I couldn't even load a new gun from my inventory....either way, I like what the new update brings to the game, but it'll be that much better when the bugs get sorted out
and to have a decent challenge in order to get the new items.