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We have a security matter to discuss - Syntax - 3/24/06
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Machine Controller

Joined: Dec 7, 2005
Messages: 100

Machine Operatives,

The terrorist group calling themselves "E Pluribus Neo" has engaged in unacceptable activities recently. At a meeting held in the International District with some of our top operatives and our liaison officer, Turring, plans were discussed for putting an end to this group. Additionally, the possibility of power fluctuations of unknown origin was presented. All operatives must remain on the alert for unusual sources of power drain within the simulation.

Relevant information should be sent to officer Turring as quickly as possible. Further data concerning the details of the meeting can be obtained from officer Turring, from the operatives present at the meeting, and from the data scans attached to this message.


Agent Gray

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 152

Seems to me that alot of operatives, Merovingian and Machine alike, are going to be having fun with the E Plurbius Neo's.  What I don't get is why you haven't struck them yet, why anybody hasn't.  Forgive me if I have missed important information or am confused.

The E Plurbius Neo's are a threat, so simply crush them at their weakest before they grow.  Take The Kid along with you, he's been a ignorance, nothing more.


-- Razor.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 18, 2005
Messages: 5866

Haha, well met again, Mister Gray. It's been a long time. No doubt you've stopped listening to this transmission but you should know it by now; the Matrix is changing, the world is turning, and ideas... Ideas are being thought, and dreamt. You cannot stop a thought from spreading when administered the right way, Mister Gray, just as much as you can stop a deadly virus from spreading when it has already entered your heart.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Nov 11, 2005
Messages: 1243
Location: is everything.

Naturally, we at the Tetragrammaton are dealing with the "E Pluribus Neo" terrorists as instructed.  I can assure you, Agent Gray, ultimately, they will not pose any threat to this system.

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 444

Well well well.

The Plot thickens

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 246
Location: HvBRG Ouroboros

##Broadcast depth reached.
##Acquiring signal lock ...
##Signal received from Visati.Ouroboros.Dare.
##Transmitting broadcast ...

The commandments of a herald of the Holy Source shall be followed by myself and the congregation of Visati.  I only regret that I was unable to be within the presence of the Angel Gray for the delivery of this message.  E Pluribus Neo and those who would seek to disrupt our Promised Land be wary.

-Dare, Cardinal of the Visati

##Closing signal link …
##Link to Visati.Ouroboros.Dare has been closed.


Mainframe Invader

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 2218
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

Give us Neo.

Then suddenly E Pluribus Neo and even that old fringe group of religious fanatics called Neonites are not as much of a problem.

Mainframe Invader

Joined: Jan 5, 2006
Messages: 417
Location: The Watchmen

Mr Anderson will not be comming back. The only comfort from a hero you will find is in yourself.

At this stage the simulation has priority. Stand in it's way and face removal.

Jacked Out

Joined: Mar 17, 2006
Messages: 156
Location: The Grapefruit Tree

weakness must be corrected not encouraged.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Oct 7, 2005
Messages: 4674
Location: HvCFT Everto

Neo lives on, Not as some floating peice of code or corporal flesh, but he lives on in everybodies heart who believes that he is still alive. Neo will never die as long as we remember that neo saved Zionites, he saved Machinists and he saved Merovingians. As long as 1 person believes that The One is still alive then he is still alive in their memory's, no Machinist or Merovingian can destroy that sense that neo, even though he is dead, in someway lives on.

remembering neo is not a weakness or a disease, it gives most people strength to fight for a cause greater than to see who controls parts of the megacity or not, it gives them courage to stand up against all those that try to silence the voices that shout out for Neo even on their own against unimaginable odds.

When neo sacrificed himself he was elevated to a martyr, no person in the matrix will be able to change that wheather he be a redpill, the Architect or even the Oracle because nobody will forget what he did for us. Anybody who thinks that neo is just some person who should be forgotten are scum and do not deserve to live. All those that opose Neo shall pay for their deciet and treachery. All those that opose Neo shall DIE!!!.

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