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The Hunt for MemoryWipe Event
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Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 212
Location: Vector

Clarification: Memorywipe (spelled MemorywLpe in game) will be held prisoner, located in an exile hideout in Westview on the date in question. She will be helpless, stripped of abilities and clothing, guarded by merovingians. The only thing she'll have on her will be a portable signal booster (and yes I wonder where she'll put it too), so a judicious use of /who and locate luggables should lead you to her. In order to get her to follow you, reds must kill and rez her, she won't follow you unless you give her back the signal booster that drops when she dies...and she follows that person only, unless that person directly tells her to follow someone else.

She will accept clothing and wear it, but will have none on her to start, so if you want her to be able to defend herself then come prepared (items will be returned after the event).

Her fellow machines must supply themselves with antidotes to give her, to counteract the compulsion she has to follow her red captor, and that antidote is only good until she is killed again. If her timer runs out before she is rezzed, then she will recon to the nearest hardline and wait there until she is either given a signal booster or an antidote. If she gets close to a hardline she will load up some abilities....and she will fight when machines are fighting for her (but not unless they are actively fighting). She will still be unable to hyperjump at any time during the event, and unable to use subways or hardlines unless forced to recon. It is highly recommended that you have at least one person in each team that can rez her. If someone picks up a signal booster and trades it to her that isn't in the team that rezzed her, too bad, she follows the one that got her the luggable, case closed.

Once a group has her, she is to be escorted to the Machine bookstore, and once she is sent off to 01 she will be reunited with her captors, or continue on with her machine teammates, depending on who her escort was. If she needs to be with mervs or zionites, then we will have people set up at the respective proxies to recall her there (please do not attack her during the period when she is waiting to be recalled....that will be a 'null time' and she will be marked as AFK until she is where she should be). Once she is with her group, she is fair game again, and the team must make their way to the ramp leading up to the taskmaster's area. The endpoint (and the person who will collect her and declare the winner) will be at the top of that ramp....the winners are the team of the person she is following when she reaches the destination.

Winning will get each member of the team their choice of Quicksilver Gloves or an Overdrive Bandana, which they will receive within a day of winning (to allow us time to code the specific items).

Hehe wow that was long....*ahem* all right so, if you have ANY questions please ask them now. We want this to be as clear and up front as possible, to keep the confusion during the event to a minimum.

Oh, the times for different time zones are: 9am pst, 12noon est, 5pm gmt. Hope to see you there.


Joined: May 17, 2006
Messages: 5110
Location: Vector-Hostile Faction: Morpheus'Legacy Organization: Zion

Wow this looks amazing!!

Jacked Out

Joined: Oct 23, 2006
Messages: 910
Location: Scotland

Indeed it does look truly awesome, hopefully there will be a good turn out for it. I for one wil be there! SMILEY

P.S i like the sound of "She will be stripped of clothing" SMILEY

Message edited by RoganClark on 08/17/2007 16:33:41.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 22, 2005
Messages: 2656
Location: Around The Fur

*CENSORED* *CENSORED*. My first baseball game of fall league is the 26th at 10 AM PST.

You really must know my schedule. SMILEY


Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 212
Location: Vector

Hehe I would have had it later, but I wanted to make sure to have enough time to finish the event before hubby came home from his golf game SMILEY

And thanks tony, rogan, will be great to have you involved SMILEY

Jacked Out

Joined: Nov 29, 2006
Messages: 86
Location: Vector-Hostile The Dark Evolution

This sounds fun. wish we knew the times of Live Events as well as player events..

Mainframe Invader

Joined: Jun 8, 2006
Messages: 424
Location: New Zion

Demoana nice great work.SMILEY

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1820
Location: Around The Fur Thee Reviled Restoration Thee Passenger 6 6 4 oh I forget

This is well thought out and i really hope i can make it


Joined: Nov 21, 2005
Messages: 15

A Great event is promised to all who turn up cant wait for it



Ascendent Logic

Joined: Mar 28, 2006
Messages: 1602

Looks pretty Sweet.

Troopers Revolutions will be there...Along with HutchieJNR.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Dec 9, 2005
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I'll try to make an appearance.

Mainframe Invader

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
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Location: Network Imperium - HvCft The Imperium

love it...great idea for an event


well i'll do my best to be there with a squad SMILEY



Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 209

This is going to be fun...

She will be found and held accountable.

Perceptive Mind

Joined: Jul 3, 2006
Messages: 1556
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whoot! Go dem. Ppl show up this is gonna be good.

Perceptive Mind

Joined: Jul 3, 2006
Messages: 1556
Location: The Depths of the Barrio.


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