Not sure where I could have put this, so it's here being off topic.
JSphere's statements about MXO - hope you can relate.
When trying to accomplish something in MXO - make sure to destroy the hardline so someone doesn't come out of it and kill you.

Beware of flying tridents at Mara C.

Machines do this alot .... at Mara C

How most people feel about the heads of SOE

How we all feel when we kill your lowbies

How we all feel when someone gets smart and goes off topic

Dreami from the Cypherites

Mara C...zerg...I know this is able something other than mxo but it makes sense


How it feels to kill your lowbies

When the Cypherites come through

Where Bush learned to use hyper Dodge

How we feel when the holiday events happen.

And we find out we have to go fight those giant snow monsters..again

Finally...the real reason Rarebit left, SOE ordered him to bring back the oracle and make her give this in stead of cookies..

...they give +10 melee accuracy...also causes Enraged.
[inserts attemt here]