Tune in and join Akira, Luxx, Gethani, and Dellmon as they broadcast live from the show. Individual recordings and interviews will take place at random times during the event. Additionally we have some very exciting news! Online Gaming Radio will be doing something that we’ve never done before:
We’re streaming VIDEO footage from the event! This will include video from SOE round table discussions and those attending the different events.
The Online Gaming Radio staff attending Fan Faire will be hosting the radio stream at several points throughout the trip. Our official Fan Faire show is scheduled for 10:30am PST on Aug. 4th (Saturday) straight from the floor of Fan Faire. We’ll have a table set up with our streaming equipment and if you’re attending Fan Faire, please stop by and say hello! We’ve got a few things we’ll be giving out including an OGR shirt signed by all the show hosts!
So if you cannot attend Fanfaire this year, then you can at least be a part of the event remotely! Visit us frequently during the next week and a half for more information.
Visit www.onlinegamingradio.com for more information.