With the anniversary event coming up, I could not locate any guides from past years.I have never been on during one.
Can anyone link me any guide to how the event works?Missions,spawns,rewards etc?
Basically it works like this:
1. Talk to a Smith Virologist located at any of the monuments.
2. Buy the mission ticket.
3. Start the mission. Here you can do one of 2 things.
4. If you finish the mission you can get another mission ticket from the Virologists again. If you just want to farm the Smith Frag's that drop from the Smithling's, just kill and loot them and restart the mission ticket.
5. Turn in Frags for phat T-shirt and Smith's Rage Pill l00t.
6. Happy Anniversary.
If you farmed Perfect Snowflakes during the Winter Event, you're set.
ArchDuke wrote:
What can we trade them for during the anniv event?
Smith used to appear at a scheduled time and the player that killed him (final hit) got the perpetual flame virus, but who knows if that's going to happen this year? Who'll play smith?
Vesuveus wrote:
ArchDuke wrote:If you farmed Perfect Snowflakes during the Winter Event, you're set.What can we trade them for during the anniv event?Smith used to appear at a scheduled time and the player that killed him (final hit) got the perpetual flame virus, but who knows if that's going to happen this year? Who'll play smith?
I meant that more as a "you know the system" kind of thing, since you can't turn in the snowflakes until next Winter.
And I imagine we'll have to hear from Walrus about the Smith event. I'd imagine Walrus could spawn them, the spawn settings are probably saved somewhere.
I think we should have a Trinity/Oracle event instead of the old Smith event....it's time to change. I mean we have been beating old smithy up the last few years right
Vesuveus wrote:ArchDuke wrote:If you farmed Perfect Snowflakes during the Winter Event, you're set.What can we trade them for during the anniv event?Smith used to appear at a scheduled time and the player that killed him (final hit) got the perpetual flame virus, but who knows if that's going to happen this year? Who'll play smith?I meant that more as a "you know the system" kind of thing, since you can't turn in the snowflakes until next Winter.And I imagine we'll have to hear from Walrus about the Smith event. I'd imagine Walrus could spawn them, the spawn settings are probably saved somewhere.
Ah, gotcha. I just found 30 snowflakes on an alt the other day and /smackforehead for not turning them in.
All I want from this anniversary is an update from Walrus about the future (or lack thereof) of MxO. Hopefully the article that Walrus said he owed Virrago will be written and posted soon and isn't just an article about the anniversary, especially if the anniversary is going to be the same old event we've had in previous years.
Croesis wrote:
That alone is worth its wait in gold.
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
As doubtful as it is, I'm still hoping we'll get more than just the Smith thing again.. again.
I think most of us would agree that everything hinges on the Anniversary event. I'm even wagering my own subscription on whether it succeeds or epicly fails.
I wouldn't even be opposed to Smith, so long as it's done properly. It's really been on auto-pilot and that's what is so annoying. I'm talking:
We all know that anniversary events aren't considered canon but that doesn't mean it can't be epic. amirite?
I think the best we can hope for is another standard type Anniversary Event with Smith Virologists etc. Which is fine by me, provided that new items are introduced More shirts with logos? meh. Other shirts like the White or MC? That might be nice. A new consumable might be nice too.
Me wanty Smith Virion Luggables!
I'd love a Smith Virologist RSI capture as a new trade, since we're on an RSI kick. That would be Win.
Although, the Anniversary Standard Mission text would need to be altered to "Oracle Sim" or something. Or the bluepill lady who is pretty much the Oracle now could show up in those missions instead (for continuity's sake).
Garu wrote:
I think most of us would agree that everything hinges on the Anniversary event. I'm even wagering my own subscription on whether it succeeds or epicly fails.I wouldn't even be opposed to Smith, so long as it's done properly. It's really been on auto-pilot and that's what is so annoying. I'm talking:Mass spawns on players outdoors (i.e. zombie spawns during Halloween), not just mission ambushes.Appearances by the main virus throughout the anniversary period where he infects others and wrecks havoc on the system.Perpetual downpour of rain, lightning and thunder (maybe even cranked up to max)All bluepill models replaced with Smith modelAll exiles models replaced with Smith model and set to aggro on any player, regardless of level.Sky should be blackened (like Halloween)Random appearances by story characters asking for help to fight off the virus.Maybe implement a plot device to end the virus once and for all and reward a player with perpetual green flame per server for assisting in its final purge.We all know that anniversary events aren't considered canon but that doesn't mean it can't be epic. amirite?
Oh, cross post. These ideas are great too! (I'm not wedded to just the standard smith event with modifications).
Also, like the Green Flame perp. In addition, maybe a new Green Flame FX for something like 100 Smith Frags or so). I would get that...love the green flame effect.
I think we should get more t-shirts....
Perpetual downpour of rain, lightning and thunder (maybe even cranked up to max)Sky should be blackened (like Halloween)
This and the lightning tinged with green would be ftw.
Mindsweep wrote:
But Smithy deserves it.