## Recorded Audio-Visual Surveillance Transmission.
Warblade: ...
Insertion: Well, well, well. Of all the people to run into.
Warblade: Mr. Carroll.
In that instant, guns are drawn from both the side of the Merovingian...
...and the Machines.
Both are reserved. It's undeniable that Insertion knows how determined Warblade is. Dodging behind one of the massive pillars in the room, Merovingian freelancer Christopher Carroll readies his preferred method of execution.
Warblade: I picked up a contraband signal in the area. It didn't take long at all for me to figure out it was you...
Insertion: Your Bedlams are empty, Bryce.
Warblade: And yours. Got knives?
Warblade sneered from behind the wall of another pillar. Despite the range leftover between them, he felt as though he was back-to-back against his opponent. He no-doubtedly felt his nemesis' adrenaline in addition to his own.
Insertion: Already ahead of you...
Both strike each other simultaneously. Short-lived victories for either side, they are mere grazes -- fleshwounds -- to be considered as after-thoughts within this world.
Insertion lashes out at the Machinist, forcing him to reel out of the way. It's the perfect opportunity...
...to dash...
Retaliation. Self-defense. It is the only way to ensure escape.
Warblade has become more than a nuissance.
Insertion: This isn't just about the Professor, isn't it?
Insertion: This is much more personal, isn't it?
Insertion gains the upperhand through psychological warfare.
Falling, it takes a few seconds for the Machine to gather his wits and realize that he needs to land on his feet or risk being ejected from the simulation in a most uncomfortable manner. Straightening himself out, he lands on the highway below... Only not expecting the prey to follow...
Insertion: Ahh, so it's been since The Watchmaker?
Insertion grins wryly.
Warblade: Our feud is an old one...
The rest was a blur as he could not tell whether or not he struck his enemy.
Only that the moment had passed. Until next time.
Warblade: Operator.
Comm: Report?
Warblade: Target lost.
## End Recorded Transmission.