I just watched through the list of fixed animations (from the Winter Holiday update) again, and having looked through the entire ability tree (especially Operative), I couldn't find the following abilities anywhere: Bash - CoderLow Bow - CoderDrop Kick - Low - level Spy ability Freedom to Joints - Last branch of MKT or Master Assassin, I forget. Sliding Volley - SMG's Controlled Burst - SMG'sAlso featured: "Shadow Phoenix Pill (item-based move)" - what item is that, and since when is it in the game? Something from the new quest, or what is it? It works like the wooden stakes and holy water, activate it in Interlock and you perform a move, there is also Shadow Razor Pill and Shadow Wall Kick Pill. Farm these off the training simulacra in the org outposts, forget which org outpost drops which pill. I believe it's been in the game for about a half year now.Maybe I'm just had a blackout / dumbass attack (uh... haven't slept much... headaches), but as I said, I couldn't find those in the ability tree.Any help?
WTH i missed the "Shadow pill...." series -.^ why did no one mention these?
"Wall kick pill" *jaw drops* -.^
someone explain please before i have an aneurysm (: