So, I wanted to share these with you because I feel this guy provides brilliant insight into the films, particularly the role of the Oracle (a theory I've had myself for quite a while). So, read up and enjoy.The meaning of the Matrix: meaning of the Matrix Reloaded: meaning of the Matrix Revolutions:
This answered my Smith/Oracle question. Thx!
It totally does.
Something I noticed recently when I watched all 3 back-to-back is that the Oracle never really seems to TELL anyone the future. She actually CONVINCES them to walk a path she chooses for them by the power of suggestion, meaning that because people believe she knows the future, what she says to them is accepted as a revelation of the same. This is most obviously explained in the first film after Neo and Trinity rescue Morpheus and Neo begins to explain the choice the Oracle laid before him:
Neo: The Oracle... She told me...Morpheus: She told you exactly what you needed to hear. That's all.That is her purpose. She's an "intuitive program", meaning that she understands the nature of human behavior. She's obviously smart enough to know that humans will do EXACTLY what you want if you give them the illusion that it's a choice. Hell, that's how the American political system works, seeing as the popular vote can be overturned by the Electoral Colleges' votes. We believe we make the decision, when we're actually just pieces on a chessboard, being moved into position by unseen hands. And that, ultimately, is who the Oracle is. Initially, her role was to ensure that the One completed the task for which the Machines needed him by making him feel it was his chosen destiny. But at the end of the sixth cycle, she chose to manipulate Neo into taking a path that would create peace. So, all things considered, you could say that she's the real hero, as sneaky and underhanded as her methods may have been.
I find that has interesting theories too...
Yeah, it's a very interesting site, but they totally miss the mark in their supposition that Seraph was one of the five previous Ones.
Seraph was an agent of the first version of the Matrix, and had wings (like the ones that spawn in the Pandora's Box mission), hence the name Seraph, referring to the Seraphim. After that version of the Matrix was replaced, he chose exile instead of returning to the source, and took up work for the Merovingian eventually. His wings were cut off by the Merovingian, which is the origin of him being called "wingless" by Merv's lackeys, possibly as punishment for betraying the Merovingian and leaving to protect the Oracle.
But something else interesting about Seraph is that he functions as a sort of password protected firewall. When he meets Neo in the teahouse and they fight, what they're doing is a command/response authentification process. Seraph is asking for Neo's authentification, and once that has been provided satisfactorily, Seraph grants him access. I believe that the reason Neo sees Seraph in gold code is that firewall idea.
what they're doing is a command/response authentification process. Seraph is asking for Neo's authentification, and once that has been provided satisfactorily, Seraph grants him access. I believe that the reason Neo sees Seraph in gold code is that firewall idea.
Vinia wrote:I find that has interesting theories too...Yeah, it's a very interesting site, but they totally miss the mark in their supposition that Seraph was one of the five previous Ones.
M45T3RM1ND wrote:Vinia wrote:I find that has interesting theories too...Yeah, it's a very interesting site, but they totally miss the mark in their supposition that Seraph was one of the five previous Ones.Oh I realise that there are some errors in it especially pertaining to Seraph, still I don't think there is a single site that is 100% correct. That is one of the beauties of the franchise, no matter what people tell you, you still have to work some things out for yourself, sort out what you think or know is right from what you think or know is wrong.
I think if the guys who do Matrix 101 and Matrix Resolutions got together and discussed their theories, you would ultimately get a definitive theory that Andy and Larry would look at and officially state it as canon. However, I definitely agree more with the Matrix 101 information more often. I'm fairly certain that if I were to go through both sites and go cut/paste crazy, I could release one document that would certainly serve as an accurate guide.
It's impossible to get the full meaning of any Matrix movie without at least some knowledge of the underground sex scene.
Do you mean the Marquis de Sade? Talk about old school!