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Who's who: Your guide to the Matrix Characters!
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Joined: Oct 22, 2005
Messages: 8299
Location: Ye Olde Hole Ine The Tree

Not everyone knows who Ghost is, or Malphas, or what-not. That's where this squirrel comes in.


  • Lock - Commander of the Zionist Army in the Real. Lords over the Hovercrafts. You'll never see him in-game.

  • Tyndall - Zion main Controller. Assigns missions to Zion operatives. Due to techincal and surgical difficulties her ability to jack into the Matrix is severely limited.

  • Morpheus - Hovercraft Captain. Began getting antsy over the Machines' refusal to return Neo's body and began bombing the Matrix with specialised Code Bombs designed to force bluepills to awaken. Allegedly killed at the end of Chapter One.

  • Niobe - Hovercraft Captain and main focus of a love triangle involving Morpheus and Locke.

  • Ghost - First Mate of Niobe's Hovercraft Crew. Expert fighter; keeps a cool head.

  • Sparks - Operator of Niobe's Hovercraft. You'll never see him in-game.

  • Anome (pronounced A-gnome, apparently) - Controller specifically aligned with Niobe. Used to be seen as the local egotistical screw-up until Chapter Five, where he allegedly betrayed Niobe and left her critically wounded, and then went on to create a new, super-powered faction, Unlimit. As of October 15, his motives or goals are still unclear. UPDATE: As of 6.2 he has been terminated by Agents and his faction completly destroyed, with only Beirn as a survivor.

E Pluribus Neo (EPN)

  • The Kid (also known as Michael) - Devoted follower of Neo. One of few redpills ever to become Self-Aware of the Matrix, and one of the even fewer to jack himself out the first time. His methods are...questionable, his goals to free all bluepills from the Matrix as soon as possible instead of slowly like Zion.

  • Shimada - EPN Controller (EPN is not a true organization, therefore EPN operatives will receive Zion missions isntead of EPN for now)

The Machines

  • The Architect - Father of the Matrix. Supreme program in charge of making sure everything goes just right. He's not one to fail publicly, or if he does he usually does something convulted to make it seem like it was part of his plan all along.

  • Agent Gray - Machine Controller. Due to the Smith virus from Neo's days, he has been somewhat corrupted and is closely monitored, and is also refused to return to the Source where all programs are born and deleted. He assigns Machine operatives missions. On very rare occasions he lapses into an Agent Smith-like state, although nothing too serious has happened so far, with the exception of his attacking a few Zionists once.

  • Agent Skinner - An Agent that kept to Agent Gray's side and kept him in check during his Smith lapse. Deleted by the Assassin.

  • Agent Pace - The first female Agent, created to form a more humane bond between the Machines and the Redpills. Fighting is not her primary programming, although she still retains basic Agent codes.

  • The Oracle - Mother of the Matrix. Programmed to understand the human condition, she's able to understand choices better than most, giving her the feel of being able to predict the future to an extent. If you ask her if she knows everything, she'll say she knows enough. It would not do to ask her for a cookie.

Cypherites (CYPH)

  • Cryptos - Leader of the Cypherites, he dresses in strange garb and speaks in enchanting dream talk. He wishes everyone to return to the Matrix as bluepills. Wears a bluepill encased in a crystal around his neck and has numerous boxes set up around the City that has Cryptos Simulacrum recite parts of a speech at set intervals. As of Chapter 3.3, the Union Hill box has been disabled by a virus.

  • Veil - Cypherite Controller *see Shimada*. Killed one of her crew mates and was imprisoned in a Zion jail until other Cypherites freed her.

  • Sleepwalkers - A rouge sect of Cypherites that attempted to place all redpills in the Matrix at once. Reinserted during a massive battle as their plans backfired.

The Merovingian

  • The Merovingian - Most powerful Exile in the City. A womanizer and brilliant tactician. Despite what most people think, he can survive outside of the Matrix in specialized Constructs.

  • Persophone - The Merovingian's jealous wife, who does not take orders. From anyone.

  • Flood - A program designed to multi task for larger programs, scheduled for deletion but sought to be a powerful Exile instead. He eventually became the Merovingian Controller, to his humiliation. Assigns missions and insults to Merv Operatives.

  • Ookami - Lieutenant in the Merovingian's Army, and leader of the Lupines (werewolf like exiles). Don't let her beauty distract you from her claws.

  • Malphas - Lietenant in the Merovingian's Army, and leader of the Bloods (vampire like exiles). Prefers reconnasiance to fighting, but isn't above slaughtering a few dozen enemies to get what he wants.

  • The Effectuator - Exile in charge of keeping after the Merovingian's Constructs. Despite his aged appearance, he's very child-like and often blows raspberries at his fellow Exiles playfully.

  • The Assassin- Disposal Program scheduled for deletion when he tried to recycle Trinity's body. Went to work for the Merovingian, who assigned him to Assassinate Morpheus. In the ensuing confusion following Morpheus's alleged death The Assassin became confused himself and began attacking friend and foe alike, resulting in the deletion of Agent Skinner and the near-deletion of Ookami. Deleted in a massive battle that almost destroyed the Matrix.</span> NOTE: The Assassin was a program compiled of thousands of flies, so if you see a fly hovering around in the Matrix, do us all a favour and swat it. NOTE2: Recent new evidence raises the question of whether he really was deleted or not.

  • The Twins - Identical programs that wield both razor knives and British accents. Able to phaze into a ghost-like state to move through solid objects. They appear to rely on finishing each others' sentences, and physically sicken when they are apart for too long. Reconstructed by synthesised cheat code vials in Chapter 6.2.

  • Beirn - An Unlimit, formerly Merovingian Operative, captured by Persephone using his massive crush on her. Was used to create synthesised cheat codes, all of which were either destroyed by the Machines, save a few used on the Twins. Is currently being held in a specialized construct, hidden from the Machines.

The Commandos

  • The General - Commander of the Commandos. Motives unknown, though it is the general belief that he is attempting to break the Truce. Gave Niobe a suitcase full of vials that held cheat-code-like powers in them that granted certain Agent Abilities that Agents themselves have now been forbidden to use. Source of the Helicopters flying around the City.


Message edited by ZippyTheSquirrel on 12/02/2006 04:00:44.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 4429
Location: The Darrius Organization: Machines Faction: The Collective Server: Recursion

Nice guide.

Stack's MxO Archive also has a personal database of every Matrix character, both from outside and inside MxO. SMILEY


Joined: Oct 22, 2005
Messages: 8299
Location: Ye Olde Hole Ine The Tree

Mine's prettier.

Message Edited by ZippydaSquirl on 06.03.2006 02:03 PM

Message Edited by ZippydaSquirl on 06.03.2006 02:03 PM
Message edited by ZippyTheSquirrel on 06/03/2006 10:03:44.

Mainframe Invader

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 3716

You forgot to include the real jokerz. SMILEY

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Nov 17, 2005
Messages: 5142
Location: Germany

Awesome guide man -- very informative, and not without some freakin' squirly humor :smileytongue:

Just one things: When will people stop calling the guy "Locke"? One European philosopher's (1632-1704) name was John Locke. A popular character from "Lost", played by Terry O-Quinn, is called John Locke. But the Zion Commander's name is JASON LOCK.

Message Edited by zeroone5069 on 06.03.2006 02:55 PM
Message edited by zeroone506 on 06/03/2006 13:55:06.


Joined: Oct 22, 2005
Messages: 8299
Location: Ye Olde Hole Ine The Tree

krytical wrote:
You forgot to include the real jokerz. SMILEY

  • Jokerz - The true Zerg of Vector.

Happy? :p

I'll have a list of Liasions coming soon....and I know about the Lock/Locke thing, but I typically spell names Ye Olde English way, so sue me.


Joined: Oct 22, 2005
Messages: 8299
Location: Ye Olde Hole Ine The Tree


Liasions are specific redpills (an exception here or there) that you can contact in-game for current news or operations for yours or another organization.

((Due to my incompetence I cannot sort out the full list of Liasions in an ordered fashion, so I'll just keep it like this until I can straighten it out later.))

Vairys - CYPH - Vector

Barakoa - CYPH - Recursion

Cephaus - Zion - Recursion

Baelroth - Merovingian - Vector

Tygrvason - EPN - Syntax

Diversus - CYPH - Syntax

BloodlustV - Merovingian - Syntax

Banshae - Merovingian - Syntax

Seraneth - Zion - Syntax

Viraconrida - CYPH - Recursion

Soluma - Zion - Vector

Racon - Zion - Recursion

Sezar - EPN - Vector

Corporal Leon - Commando - Deleted

Salera - Merovingian - Syntax

Vibb - Zion - Syntax

TACACS - Machine - Syntax

Novalux - EPN - Syntax

Matarax - CYPH - Syntax

MadHattah - Merovingian - Recursion

MajorMasters - Commando - Recursion

TheJokerOfClubs - ??? - Recursion

To make yourself aware of these Liasions' operations, type "/friend [name]" on the server of the Liasion. If the Liasion is of another server, you can type "/friend [server].[name]". Note the period in the middle.

NOTE: There are far more Liasions than just this list. This list was taken from the Live Events Boards of MxOBoards and the general knowledge of this squirrel.

JOKER NOTE: I don't know if the Jokers are actual LESIG or LE characters, but they're excellent roleplayers regardless.

Message Edited by ZippydaSquirl on 06.03.2006 09:22 PM
Message edited by ZippyTheSquirrel on 06/03/2006 17:22:06.


Joined: Oct 22, 2005
Messages: 8299
Location: Ye Olde Hole Ine The Tree

UPDATE: TheJokerOfDiamonds - Machines??? - Syntax

Currently the Jokers links point you to discussion threads on that particular Joker. Clubs seems to be mysteriously anonymous, but Diamonds appears to be the center of attention and the suspect in multiple Hardline Disabling. I'd give you more information...if I had any.

Message Edited by ZippydaSquirl on 06.04.2006 07:59 PM
Message edited by ZippyTheSquirrel on 06/04/2006 15:59:59.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 11597
Location: New Zion


But it's Persephone


Joined: Oct 22, 2005
Messages: 8299
Location: Ye Olde Hole Ine The Tree

PBlade wrote:

But it's Persephone

D'oh. Didn't notice that. Silly, big typo.

Who did I forget? Did I forget Merrit? She's one, isn't she?

Merrit - Zion - Recursion

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 8893
Location: The Indutiae Faction: Fallen Horizon Organisation: Zion Server: Recursion Operative Level: 50

ZippydaSquirl wrote:

PBlade wrote:

But it's Persephone

D'oh. Didn't notice that. Silly, big typo.

Who did I forget? Did I forget Merrit? She's one, isn't she?

Merrit - Zion - Recursion

How could you forget merrit?? shes the best one SMILEY

Joined: Mar 6, 2006
Messages: 107
Location: The Batcave

Good Job so far, keep it up.


Joined: Oct 22, 2005
Messages: 8299
Location: Ye Olde Hole Ine The Tree

Aquatium wrote:

How could you forget merrit?? shes the best one SMILEY

Meh, I just took names off the Live Events Boards. Hince the links.

If they don't come up with their own backstory I'm gonna have to start digging stuff up...

...oh! And if you (the reader) have met any of these Liasions, please post here with your opinions. MINE:

MajorMasters = Cool (Ask him if his feet smell, courtesy of Zip SMILEY). The most of all of them I've talked to.

MadHattah = Faaarrrr too riddle-like (Though he does play a mean game of Jeopardy)

TheJokerOfClubs = Try not to hurt your brain talking to him.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 1625
Location: HvCFT Holy Warriors Ex Zion

You forgot the coolest liaison! TaeCross! EPN!



Joined: Oct 22, 2005
Messages: 8299
Location: Ye Olde Hole Ine The Tree

Dezreki wrote:

You forgot the coolest liaison! TaeCross! EPN!

Okay...server? Come on, gotta be a little bit more helpful than that! ^^

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