E Pluribus Neo (EPN)
The Machines
Cypherites (CYPH)
The Merovingian
The Commandos
Message Edited by ZippydaSquirl on 06.03.2006 02:03 PM
Awesome guide man -- very informative, and not without some freakin' squirly humor :smileytongue:
Just one things: When will people stop calling the guy "Locke"? One European philosopher's (1632-1704) name was John Locke. A popular character from "Lost", played by Terry O-Quinn, is called John Locke. But the Zion Commander's name is JASON LOCK.
Message Edited by zeroone5069 on 06.03.2006 02:55 PM
krytical wrote:You forgot to include the real jokerz.
Happy? :p
I'll have a list of Liasions coming soon....and I know about the Lock/Locke thing, but I typically spell names Ye Olde English way, so sue me.
Liasions are specific redpills (an exception here or there) that you can contact in-game for current news or operations for yours or another organization.
((Due to my incompetence I cannot sort out the full list of Liasions in an ordered fashion, so I'll just keep it like this until I can straighten it out later.))
Vairys - CYPH - Vector
Barakoa - CYPH - Recursion
Cephaus - Zion - Recursion
Baelroth - Merovingian - Vector
Tygrvason - EPN - Syntax
Diversus - CYPH - Syntax
BloodlustV - Merovingian - Syntax
Banshae - Merovingian - Syntax
Seraneth - Zion - Syntax
Viraconrida - CYPH - Recursion
Soluma - Zion - Vector
Racon - Zion - Recursion
Sezar - EPN - Vector
Corporal Leon - Commando - Deleted
Salera - Merovingian - Syntax
Vibb - Zion - Syntax
TACACS - Machine - Syntax
Novalux - EPN - Syntax
Matarax - CYPH - Syntax
MadHattah - Merovingian - Recursion
MajorMasters - Commando - Recursion
TheJokerOfClubs - ??? - Recursion
To make yourself aware of these Liasions' operations, type "/friend [name]" on the server of the Liasion. If the Liasion is of another server, you can type "/friend [server].[name]". Note the period in the middle.
NOTE: There are far more Liasions than just this list. This list was taken from the Live Events Boards of MxOBoards and the general knowledge of this squirrel.
JOKER NOTE: I don't know if the Jokers are actual LESIG or LE characters, but they're excellent roleplayers regardless.
Message Edited by ZippydaSquirl on 06.03.2006 09:22 PM
UPDATE: TheJokerOfDiamonds - Machines??? - Syntax
Currently the Jokers links point you to discussion threads on that particular Joker. Clubs seems to be mysteriously anonymous, but Diamonds appears to be the center of attention and the suspect in multiple Hardline Disabling. I'd give you more information...if I had any.
Message Edited by ZippydaSquirl on 06.04.2006 07:59 PM
PBlade wrote:Nice!But it's Persephone
D'oh. Didn't notice that. Silly typos....wait....ertyuio.....er.....yeah, big typo.
Who did I forget? Did I forget Merrit? She's one, isn't she?
Merrit - Zion - Recursion
ZippydaSquirl wrote: PBlade wrote:Nice!But it's Persephone D'oh. Didn't notice that. Silly typos....wait....ertyuio.....er.....yeah, big typo. Who did I forget? Did I forget Merrit? She's one, isn't she? Merrit - Zion - Recursion
Aquatium wrote: How could you forget merrit?? shes the best one
Meh, I just took names off the Live Events Boards. Hince the links.
If they don't come up with their own backstory I'm gonna have to start digging stuff up...
...oh! And if you (the reader) have met any of these Liasions, please post here with your opinions. MINE:
MajorMasters = Cool (Ask him if his feet smell, courtesy of Zip ). The most of all of them I've talked to.
MadHattah = Faaarrrr too riddle-like (Though he does play a mean game of Jeopardy)
TheJokerOfClubs = Try not to hurt your brain talking to him.
Dezreki wrote: You forgot the coolest liaison! TaeCross! EPN!