Ha ha Dulux brill More, more
Chapter 3 is up, and can you tell i'm running out of ideas yet?
Yasamuu wrote:
Dulux wrote: The first caption looks like a saturday night out in glasgow. >_>Good job with the comic though, it's great.
Dulux wrote:
The first caption looks like a saturday night out in glasgow. >_>
Good job with the comic though, it's great.
Or Lexington, KY at times... <.<
I'm throughly enjoying reading these, good for a quick laugh after the day I had.
Ooo, that grouchy hoser totally ditched you!!! So not cool
Well done!
loved the dojo bit after she floored him
haha love it
That was awesome, Dulux! You need to tone down the humor a bit though, I laughed so hard, my stomach still hurts from the first time I read it!
4th and final part is up, hope everyone enjoyed it Although it's not perfect and did take ages to make (though that was entirely my own fault) it was alot of fun to make.
You never know, maybe i'll make another one some time.
(Also i'll just say here that the 4th part deviated alot from what it was gonna be. Was meant to have alot more faction stuff in there, but unfortunatly i left that particular faction while still in the process of taking the screenies (One of the reasons i added the last page) so that whole part might seem a little messier than is should.)
That's awesome Dulux!! Really good story and screenshot's. I actually think they look better then our B/W movies we had.
Croesis wrote: